Excerpt AGENDA POINTS Introduction and housekeeping- Husni, Chair AAP WG Where are we on system-wide accountability in Afghanistan - Kate Carey, Deputy Head of OCHA Key trends of Community Voices...
Excerpt AGENDA POINTS Introduction and housekeeping- Husni, Chair AAP WG Where are we on system-wide accountability in Afghanistan - Kate Carey, Deputy Head of OCHA Key trends of Community Voices...
Afghanistan Community Voices and Accountability Platforms Key milestones: • 2023: 4 editions of data collection and analyses (quarterly) • 2024: 5 editions of data collection and analyses (every two...
Key Update from Co-Chairs: ➔ Community Voice Course Correction Action from Clusters (Fazly) ➔ Community Voices Data (Fazly) ➔ Regional Community Consultations (Fazly) ➔ Individual cluster support ➔...
AGENDA POINTS Introduction and housekeeping- Ahmadullah Fazly, UNFPA Chair-OIC Update from Chair-OIC Findings from the 2024 HNRP's System-Wide Accountability Monitoring - Zahidullah Abdulrahimzai,...
AGENDA POINTS Welcome and Introduction- Husni, UNFPA, and Zahid, ACBAR - Update from Co-chairs Findings from Community Voices Platform (March - April 2024) - Zahidullah Abdulrahimzai, ACBAR Good...
Key Update from Co-Chairs: ➔ Establishment of Guidance Note to monitor AAP indicators in clusters ➔ Afghanistan Accountability Index (AAI) and monitoring system with AHF Partners, Awaaz, Youth...
AGENDA POINTS Introduction and housekeeping Humanitarian Access Guide on sharing beneficiary list Update on flash flooding in North/Northeast Update from the field on Returnee Response Information...
AGENDA POINTS Introduction and housekeeping - Husni (Chair of AAP WG, UNFPA) AAP in Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2024: Key Priorities - Husni (Chair of AAP WG, UNFPA) Update from ICCG in...
AAP in HNRP 2024 Key priorities: ➔ Community feedback and perception monitoring ➔ Community validation / community led system ➔ Information and communication with communities, focusing on vulnerable...
MEETING TYPE AAP WG regular monthly meeting DATE 13 March 2023 LOCATION ACBAR conference room and Zoom-virtual meeting – 14:00 -15:30 CHAIR AAP Coordinator, UNFPA and IRW As Co-leads Presentations:...
Agenda Points 1 Welcome and introduction 2 Collective AAP in Afghanistan 3 Update on collective AAP workshop 4 Draft collective AAP strategy 2023 and Afghanistan Community voices 5 Community...
MEETING TYPE AAP WG regular monthly meeting DATE 13 Feb 2023 LOCATION Zoom-virtual meeting – 14:00 -15:30 CHAIR AAP Coordinator and UNFPA As Co-leads Presentations: Presentations by AAP Co-Leads and...
Agenda Points 1 Welcome and introduction 2 Introduction of AAP WG new Co-Lead 3 Engagement with DFA authorities on suspension of female staff in NGOs (high-level advocacy update) 4 IASC minimum AAP...
Please refer to the attached file.
Key messages The new decree from DfA banning women NGO staff from working have resulted in many NGOs stopping their humanitarian activities for now. Women staff have an important role to ensure...
Please refer to the attached file.
Please refer to the attached file.
Please refer to the attached file.
Executive Summary This Briefing Paper is developed by ACBAR and draws on the discussions in ACBAR’s Advocacy Working Group (AWG), feedback received from ACBAR members in the development of two...
Women and girls constitute approximately 50 percent of the population of Afghanistan. Barriers to their participation and access to education is not aligned with Islamic teachings and fundamental...