President, Honourable Members of the European Parliament, What is happening in the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) is not a new crisis. It is an escalation of the crisis within the crisis. The...
President, Honourable Members of the European Parliament, What is happening in the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) is not a new crisis. It is an escalation of the crisis within the crisis. The...
Ukraine + 1 more
Please refer to the attached Map.
Today, Wednesday, the 12th of February, ARCS distributed in total 1.5 million AFN in cash to 300 needy and impoverished families in various villages of Gomal District, Paktika Province, where each...
Today, Wednesday, the 12th of February, ARCS has given a test to 51 students in computer, English Language, and mathematics at its educational center in Logar Province.
Today, Wednesday , the 12th of February, ARCS Distributed 600 packages of winter supplies, hygiene kits and dignity kits to 150 repatriated refugee families in Norgal and Khas Kunar Districts of...
Background for the Guidance Note In 2022, All Survivors Project (ASP) undertook research as an implementing partner of the Office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for...
World + 7 more
Cocoa crisis: Climate change threat to chocolate laid bare in new report ahead of Valentine’s Day Cocoa prices have risen 400% in recent years as study shows climate change made 2023 heatwave in West...
World + 4 more
KEY FACTS ● Climate change, due primarily to burning oil, coal, and methane gas, is causing hotter temperatures to become more frequent in the four West African countries responsible for producing...
New York, 12 February 2025 As delivered Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. President, As the Special Envoy [Geir Pedersen] has just said, we must seize the opportunity of this moment for Syria’s people. ...
ROME – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (Kuwait Fund) signed today a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), the first formal partnership...
Montenegro + 8 more
Operational Context The Constitution of Montenegro (2007) guarantees the right to asylum as a fundamental human right, while the 2018 Law on International and Temporary Protection of Foreigners...
States Rally Behind ICC, but Greater Action Needed to Uphold Court, Justice Maria Elena Vignoli Senior Counsel, International Justice Program me_vignoli me_vignoli US President Donald Trump issued an...
Center Indigenous Community Voices Maria Laura Canineu Deputy Director, Environment and Human Rights mlcanineu mlcanineu Erica Bower Researcher, Environment and Human Rights EricaRBower EricaRBower ...
Syria + 3 more
Le 11 février 2025 Recommandations dans la perspective de la conférence internationale sur la Syrie accueillie à Paris le 13 février 2025 Monsieur le Ministre, Nous vous écrivons en amont de la...
Syria + 3 more
Recommendations to the Foreign Ministers of EU Member States Ahead of the Syria Conference in Paris on February 13 Dear Foreign Minister, We write to you ahead of the international conference on...
Déclaration conjointe de la Directrice exécutive de l’UNFPA, le Dr Natalia Kanem, de la Directrice générale de l’UNICEF, Mme Catherine Russell, et du Directeur général de l’OMS, le Dr Tedros Adhanom...
Chad + 1 more
Summary This dashboard summarizes the views of Sudanese refugees, on the situation and protection risks in Chad. The perceptions of these households, interviewed either at the entry points or at the...
La déclaration suivante a été faite, aujourd’hui, par le Secrétaire général de l’ONU, M. António Guterres: Je condamne fermement la mort en détention, le 10 février, d’un collègue du Programme...
In December 2024, 28 cluster partners supported cluster activities and reached 6,164 persons (2,561 boys and 3,603 girls), compared to November 2024 when they reached over 13K persons. The results...
La Federación Internacional por los Derechos Humanos (FIDH) y sus organizaciones miembro condenan enérgicamente la orden ejecutiva de ayer, que establece un amplio régimen de sanciones contra la...