INTRODUCTION The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is a group of 10 private, non-denominational development agencies that work collectively to help communities, primarily in the poorest parts of...
Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) Updates
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Interactive toolkit for urban ecosystem management
Executive Summary Climate change and severe weather conditions are overwhelming most towns and cities not only in India but in many developing countries. The cities have become more vulnerable to...
Afghanistan + 2 more
Preliminary Assessment of the Pilot Structure Approach to Humanitarian Sheltering
The report brings forward the key findings of the Structure approach to the humanitarian community, demonstrating how an incremental approach can foster community-driven shelter solutions in the...
World + 4 more
Five lessons for Participatory Planning during a Pandemic
By Abel Feleke, Kira Intrator, Charles Palmer and Malika Giles Despite mass lockdowns and social distancing measures imposed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, urban planners and designers...
Disaster Risk Management and the COVID-19 response in Afghanistan
Executive Summary AKAH,A started using ActivityInfo in 2019 with the aim to replace the former paper-based data collection system. Today, 80% of the data collection handled by the agency is managed...
Tajikistan: Debris Flow Map - Barsem village, Suchan Jamoat, Shughnan District (as of 18 July 2015)
Mudflow in Shughnan District, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO), Tajikistan - Situation Report # 2, 18 July 2015
Afghanistan: Disaster Risk Reduction - Areas Targeted By FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance And Historical Natural Hazards Recorded By The Rapid Assessment Form For The Period 2012 To 2014
Please refer to the attached Map.
Open Letter to the Government of Afghanistan, the United Nations, Other Humanitarian Organisations and International Donors
Urgent assistance needed to avoid deaths among displaced during cold Urgent steps are needed if Afghanistan is to avoid a repeat of the deaths among children and adults in the country’s displacement...
Pakistan + 2 more
FOCUS Global Newsletter Issue 5, March 2012
In this Edition: Volunteer Training: Understanding Reception Centres FOCUS: A Global Initiative • Earthquake Simulation in Pakistan • A Child is the Key to Change • Hike4Life: Scaling Kilimanjaro •...
Afghanistan + 1 more
FOCUS Key interventions in Afghanistan and India
Key Interventions Afghanistan FOCUS and partner organisations provided relief and recovery support in health nutrition and education FOCUS is continuing to assist the most vulnerable mountain...
Afghanistan + 3 more
FOCUS Global Newsletter Issue 4, July 2011
IN THIS EDITION: Preparing Children for Earthquakes in Pakistan Building Partnership in Disaster Risk Reduction North America: Disaster Preparedness through Community Engagement India: Taking...
World + 1 more
A Guide to Improving Disaster Resilience of Mountain Communities
This Guide documents a community disaster risk management process developed by Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) with the people of Gorno-Badakhshan to re-establish and expand community and...
Afghanistan + 3 more
FOCUS Global Newsletter Issue 3, Jan 2011
IN THIS EDITION: Pakistan: After the Deluge Strengthening Emergency Communication in India Responding to Food Crises in Afghanistan Tajikistan: Building Partnerships with Japan North America:...
Pakistan + 2 more
Pakistan, India, USA, Portugal: Disaster Response: Recent Case Studies in Response
Disaster Response: Recent Case Studies in Response Since 1994, FOCUS has provided a full spectrum of emergency response activities from first -response to extended relief and recovery support. When...
India + 2 more
India, Tajikistan, Pakistan: Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Preparedness (PMP)
Prevention, Mitigation, and Preparedness (PMP) is the channel through which FOCUS works to decrease a community's vulnerability to natural disasters such as landslides, floods, mudslides, epidemics,...
Update on FOCUS and AKDN response to Pakistan Floods
Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) Pakistan has been actively involved in response and relief efforts following continued rains and massive floods affecting various parts of the country. A report...
Afghanistan + 3 more
FOCUS Global Newsletter Issue 2, Aug 2010
IN THIS EDITION: Attabad landslide calls for FOCUS to respond Search & Rescue helps to build capacity FOCUS Afghanistan: Responding & Reacting Enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction Improving the Quality...
FOCUS assists thousands of flood victims in Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan, 12 August 2010 - Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) Pakistan, an affiliate of the Aga Khan Development Network, has launched a relief effort to assist the thousands of people...
India: Andhra Pradesh Relief to Development Projects
In August 2009, Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) completed its three year Andhra Pradesh Relief to Development (APR2D) Project which stemmed from the devastating South Asian tsunami of December...
World + 4 more
FOCUS Global Newsletter Issue 1, Jan 2010
(Extract) Providing food aid in remote mountainous areas of Afghanistan Drought, famine, severe weather conditions and other climate change-induced hazards pose significant risks for most of...