H.E. Mr. António Guterres Secretary-General United Nations New York, New York H.E. Mr. Volker Turk High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Geneva Excellencies, On 16 March 2023, the...
Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) Updates
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Statement by the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission Condemning the Talibans Ban on Women Working in UN Structures in Afghanistan
6 April 2023 The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), by issuing this statement, expresses grave concern over the recent decision by the Taliban to prohibit women from working in...
Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) statement on closure of girls schools and arrests of protesting students
27 March 2023 The academic year has started again with restrictions, resulting in the absence of female students. Despite national and international efforts, the Taliban have closed the doors of...
A statement by the AIHRC on the commencement of the upcoming election campaign for presidential and provincial Councils polls in 1393
Kabul, 14 Dalw 1392, The AIHRC welcomes the commencement of the election campaign process in our country. Through this process, and taking advantage of the freedoms available in the political system...
Afghan People’s Dialogue on Peace: Laying the Foundations for an Inclusive Peace Process
AFGHANS CALL ON THEIR GOVERNMENT TO DEVELOP A ROAD MAP FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIATION Kabul, Afghanistan, 4 December 2011 – A comprehensive report released today, Afghan People’s Dialogue on Peace:...
Summary Report on Investigation of Causes and Factors of Trafficking in Women and Children
Introduction Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission based on Article 58 of the Constitution has the duty and mandate to monitor the human rights situation in Afghanistan. Also based on...
Afghanistan: Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict - Annual Report 2010
Report on the Situation of Economic and Social Rights in Afghanistan - IV Qaws 1388 (November/December 2009)
Executive Summary This report assesses the situation of economic and social rights in Afghanistan and investigates the progress made by the Afghan government in ensuring these rights from early 1387...
Afghanistan: AIHRC-UNAMA Joint Monitoring of Political Rights, Presidential and Provincial Council Elections, Third Report, 1 Aug - 21 Oct 2009
Summary of Findings - The elections took place in spite of a challenging environment that was characterised by insecurity and logistical and human resource difficulties. These elections were the...
Fair access of children to education in Afghanistan
Introduction Education has been proved to be the foundation of every society and good news for its bright future, and access to education is a certain and fundamental right of all human beings,...
Afghanistan: SRSG Kai Eide and Dr Sima Samar Chairperson AIHRC
Transcript of today's press conference with Dr Sima Samar, Chairperson Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) and Kai Eide, Special Representative of the United Nations...
Afghanistan: AIHRC-UNAMA Joint Monitoring of Political Rights - Presidential and Provincial Council Elections, Second Report, 16 Jun - 01 Aug 2009
SUMMARY OF MAIN FINDINGS - Despite increasing insecurity, Afghans have demonstrated a high level of interest and enthusiasm to participate, and to exercise their political rights, in the upcoming...
Afghanistan: AIHRC-UNAMA Joint Monitoring of Political Rights - Presidential and Provincial Council Elections, First Report, 25 Apr - 12 Jun 2009
SUMMARY OF MAIN FINDINGS - The nomination and challenge period took place in compliance with the electoral laws and regulations, and according to the timetable established. This was a considerable...
Afghanistan: NATO leaders urged to investigate and provide compensation for civilian casualties
WHAT: A coalition of NGOs including the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC), Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Oxfam International...
Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Annual Report 01 Jan - 31 Dec 2008
Executive Summary This annual report outlines the most important accomplishments of the AIHRC in its endeavours for promotion, protection and monitoring of human rights. Despite challenges faced in...
Economic and Social Rights Report in Afghanistan-III
Executive Summary This report measures progress of the government of Afghanistan towards securing the social and economic rights of its people in Afghanistan, covering the period between January 2007...
Justice for children: The situation of children in conflict with the law in Afghanistan
I. INTRODUCTION State Parties recognise the right of every child alleged as, accused of, or recognised as having infringed the penal law to be treated in a manner consistent with the promotion of the...
Economic and social rights in Afghanistan II - Aug 2007
1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to present the findings of the 2006 human rights field monitoring activity conducted between January and December 2006 by the Afghanistan Independent...
Violations of international humanitarian law in Afghanistan practices of concern and example cases
The armed conflict ongoing in Afghanistan continues to severely affect the civilian population of the country. Combatants on all sides have shown a lack of sufficient concern for sparing and...
Economic and social rights in Afghanistan - May 2006
Introduction The purpose of this report is to provide a preliminary assessment of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan s protection of selected economic and social rights, based on...