Le Cambodge a participé à deux évaluations du soutien octroyé au pays par le GPE, qui ont permis de démontrer la manière dont le partenariat a aidé le pays à renforcer son système éducatif. Depuis...
Cambodia - Education Updates
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Cambodia: GPE support has enabled stronger planning for more equitable education
Cambodia participated in two evaluations of GPE support, shedding light on how the partnership has helped strengthen the country's education system. Since joining GPE in 2006, Cambodia’s progress...
WFP Cambodia Country Brief, July - October 2024

Highlights The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), with WFP’s support, is actively preparing for the Southeast Asia School Meals Coalition Summit in Siem Reap from 18 to 20 November 2024...
Cambodia + 4 more
Humanitarian Response Forum (HRF) Situation Report No. 1 – Floods in Cambodia (19 September 2024)

Flood Situation Overview Since 5 September 2024, Cambodia has experienced moderate rainfall across the country. From 5 th – 19th Sept 2024, an estimated 5,987 families in 6 provinces including Siem...
The Implementation of the Social Accountablity Framework (I-SAF) [EN/KM]

Synopsis: The Implementation of the Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) empowers local communities and promotes dialogue with service providers to improve the quality of local public services...
World Vision Cambodia: Our Impact Report 2023

Foreword I am pleased to present to you World Vision International in Cambodia’s 2023 Impact Report reflecting our steadfast commitment to bringing about transformative change to the lives of the...
WFP Cambodia Country Brief, April - June 2024

Operational Updates Nutrition Strategy WFP and UN Nutrition partners are supporting Cambodia’s Council for Agricultural and Rural Development to develop the country's Third National Strategy for Food...
WFP Cambodia Country Brief, January - March 2024

Highlights WFP & the Government of Cambodia signed a 5-year Cooperation Agreement to implement WFP's country strategic plan (CSP) 2024-2028. The plan focuses on strengthening human capital through...
Fill the Nutrient Gap Cambodia (October 2023)

Executive Summary Context Nutrition is a crucial pillar for the development of a healthy, productive nation. While impressive economic gains have been made, Cambodia's vision to become an...
Economic Impact of Using Fortified Rice in Cambodia’s School Feeding Programme (October 2023)

Introduction Despite Cambodia’s remarkable economic growth and poverty reduction in the last two decades, the country still faces challenges related to malnourishment. The problems of undernutrition...
Endline Activity Evaluation of USDA McGovern-Dole Grant FFE-442-2019-013-00 for WFP School Feeding in Cambodia 2019-2023 - Decentralized Evaluation Report, Final Report (November 2023)

This decentralized evaluation was commissioned by the WFP Cambodia Country Office (CO) as the Endline Activity Evaluation of USDA McGovern-Dole Grant FFE-442-2019-013-00 for WFP School Feeding in...
WFP Cambodia Country Brief, November 2023

In Numbers 337 mt of food assistance distributed US$465,000 cash to schools for Home-Grown School Feeding US$679,301 six-month (December 2023-May 2024) net funding requirements 185,000 people...
WFP Cambodia Country Brief, October 2023

In Numbers 356 mt of food assistance distributed US$490,000 cash to schools for Home-Grown School Feeding US$0.4 million six-month (November 2023-April 2024) net funding requirements 185,000 people...
WFP Cambodia Country Brief, September 2023

In Numbers 391 mt of food assistance distributed US$540,000 cash to schools for Home-Grown School Feeding US$0.18 million six-month (October 2023-March 2024) net funding requirements 185,000 people...
Floods pose significant risk to education and healthcare in Cambodia
Seasonal flooding is the most common and frequent disaster in Cambodia. Major flooding events occur every five years and can be particularly devastating. In 2011, a flood affected more than 1,700,000...
WFP Cambodia Country Strategic Plan (2024-2028)

Operation ID: KH03 CSP approved at EB November 2023 session Cambodia has achieved significant success in poverty reduction and human development. However, a substantial share of the population...
Cambodia + 7 more
CARE Australia Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) Meta-Review of Evaluations

This report presents the findings of a review of the evaluations of seven programs funded by DFAT through the ANCP and implemented by CARE (Australia and respective country partners). The purpose is...
Global Child Nutrition Foundation Global Survey 2019: Kingdom of of Cambodia

Most recently completed school year: November 2017 - August 2018 (210 school days) • Traditional School Feeding Program • Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) Program Lead Agency: Ministry of Education,...
Global Child Nutrition Foundation Global Survey 2021: Kingdom of of Cambodia

School year: 2020–2021 • Home-Grown School Feeding Program • Traditional School Feeding Program Lead Agency: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
WFP Cambodia Country Brief, August 2023

In Numbers 391 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 540,000 cash to schools for Home-Grown School Feeding US$4 million six-month (September 2023-February 2024) net funding requirements 185,000...