Q: What is an ICCG Performance Review? An ICCG Performance Review is an annual self-assessment conducted by ICCG members to assess the collective functioning of the group. The review assesses the...
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IASC Guidance on Strengthening Participation, Representation and Leadership of Local and National Actors in IASC Humanitarian Coordination Mechanisms - For HCs, HCTs, Cluster & Inter-Cluster Groups & Other Related Task Forces & Working Groups, July 2021
This guidance note has been developed to support efforts to strengthen the meaningful participation, representation, and leadership of local and national humanitarian actors (L/NAs)1 within IASC...
Standard Terms of Reference for Inter-Cluster (Sector) Coordination Groups
This standard Terms of Reference (ToR) for humanitarian inter-cluster coordination groups (ICCG) in the field defines the purpose and outlines the roles and responsibilities of the national level...
Guidance: Cluster Coordination at Country Level - IASC Sub-Working Group on the Cluster Approach and the Global Cluster Coordinators’ Group (Revised July 2015)
The cluster approach was adopted in 2005, following an independent Humanitarian Response Review, to address gaps and to increase the effectiveness of humanitarian response by building partnerships...
Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring - Guidance Note
Introduction Background The Transformative Agenda In the Transformative Agenda (2012), IASC Principals agreed that ‘there is a need to restate and return to the original purpose of the clusters,...
OCHA country office and HQ cluster activation and deactivation checklist - Ten steps
This checklist outlines cluster activation and deactivation steps to guide OCHA staff in country and at headquarters. The checklist should be read in conjunction with the IASC Reference Module for...
Generic terms of reference for Sector / Cluster at the Country Level
The Cluster Approach operates at two levels. At the global level, the aim is to strengthen system-wide preparedness and technical capacity to respond to humanitarian emergencies by designating global...
Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at the Country Level - IASC Transformative Agenda Reference Document
This Cluster Coordination Reference Module is about the basics of cluster coordination in non-refugee situations. It is compiled in response to a request by the IASC as a reference guide for...
The multi cluster/sector initial rapid assessment (MIRA) approach - process, methodologies and tools
Provisional Version as of 11 January 2012 Produced by the Needs Assessment Task Force OVERVIEW Rationale and Purpose For the past several years, the humanitarian and donor communities have agreed...
Operational Guidance for Cluster Lead Agencies on working with National Authorities (July 2011)
Detailed guidance on the cluster approach is provided in the IASC Guidance Note on Using the Cluster Approach to Strengthen Humanitarian Response (November 2006) This guidance note should be read in...
Framework on Cluster Coordination Costs and Functions in Humanitarian Emergencies at the Country Level
In February 2010, donor partners and cluster representatives agreed that a small group of donors and representatives from Global Cluster Lead Agencies (GCLAs) and Cross-Cutting Issue Focal Points...
Health Cluster Guide - A practical guide for country-level implementation of the Health Cluster - June 2009
Purpose This Guide suggests how the Health Cluster lead agency, coordinator and partners can work together during a humanitarian crisis to achieve the aims of reducing avoidable mortality, morbidity...
Global Health Cluster Guide
This Guide suggests how the Health Cluster lead agency, coordinator and partners can work together during a humanitarian crisis to achieve the aims of reducing avoidable mortality, morbidity and...
Operational guidance on responsibilities of cluster/sector leads & OCHA in information management
Detailed guidance on the cluster approach is provided in the IASC Guidance Note on Using the Cluster Approach to Strengthen Humanitarian Response, 24 November 2006. The IASC Generic Terms of...
Operational Guidance on Designating Sector/Cluster Leads in Ongoing Emergencies
Prepared by the IASC Task Team on the Cluster Approach, this guidance note offers a Q & A on sector/cluster leads in ongoing emergencies.
Operational Guidance on Designating Sector/Cluster Leads in Major New Emergencies
Prepared by the IASC Task Team on the Cluster Approach, this guidance note offers a Q & A on sector/cluster leads in major new emergencies.
Note d'Orientation sur la Mise en Oeuvre de l'Approche de Responsabilité Sectorielle ("Cluster Approach") pour Renforcer l'Action Humanitaire
Dans le cadre des réponses internationales aux crises humanitaires, seuls certains secteurs ont bénéficié dans le passé d'agences clairement mandatées pour assumer une responsabilité opérationnelle...
Guidance Note on Using The Cluster Approach to Strengthen Humanitarian Response
In international responses to humanitarian crises, some sectors have in the past benefited from having clearly mandated lead agencies, while others have not. This has repeatedly led to ad hoc,...
The Cluster Working Group on Early Recovery - Implementing Early Recovery
In the immediate aftermath of a crisis, the focus of national and international actors is primarily on meeting lifesaving needs. This is understandable: human lives are at risk and quick action is...