In the two weeks following the ceasefire 76 Caritas trucks crossed the border carrying vital supplies. These goods - including food, bedding and shelter supplies – will support twelve relief...
occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) Updates (Reports only)
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The rights of the Palestinians continue to be violated.
From Philippe Lazzarini, the UNRWA Commissioner-General as posted on his official X account (previously known as Twitter) Since the war began, people in Gaza have undergone systematic dehumanization. ...
Humanitarian Situation Update #262 | West Bank

The Humanitarian Situation Update is issued by OCHA Occupied Palestinian Territory twice a week. The Gaza Strip is covered on Tuesdays and the West Bank on Thursdays. The Gaza Humanitarian Response...
Gaza humanitarian response update | 19 January - 1 February 2025

Period: 19 January - 1 February 2025 The information below is provided every other week by Clusters and select technical working groups operating in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). For an...
Des ONG et des syndicats appellent l’UE à interdire le commerce avec les colonies israéliennes illégales

L’Union européenne devrait prendre des mesures conformes au droit international à l’égard des abus commis en Cisjordanie Claudio Francavilla Directeur adjoint du plaidoyer auprès de l'UE ...
WFP Deputy Executive Director calls for urgent action to rebuild Gaza after visit
JERUSALEM/ROME – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Deputy Executive Director Carl Skau appealed today for an increase in international support to boost humanitarian assistance for...
Debris Management in Gaza - Human Remains in Debris | Standard Operating Procedure Version 1.4, January 2025

1. Human Remains The level of destruction in the Gaza Strip is unprecedented leading to huge efforts required for debris management. During the debris removal and handling, human remains will be...
Devastating Lack of Shelter Exacerbates Risk of Harm to Palestinians in Gaza

The escalation of violence in October 2023, following attacks by Palestinian armed groups and Israel’s subsequent offensive on Gaza, caused extensive destruction and displacement. According to the...
Steering Committee Meeting Approves 2025 Annual Work Plan for Sawasya III Joint Programme [EN/AR]

Ramallah, Thursday, 06 February 2025 – The Steering Committee of the Sawasya III Joint Programme: Promoting Equal Access to Justice for All Palestinians, a joint initiative of the UNDP, UN Women, and...
Cisjordania sufre desde hace más de un año opresión y violencia física extrema por parte de las fuerzas israelíes
Denunciamos en ‘Infligir daño y denegar asistencia’, un nuevo informe que publicamos hoy, la escalada de ataques y obstrucciones a la atención sanitaria a cargo de las fuerzas israelíes. Como...
WFP Palestine Emergency Response External Situation Report #46 (31 January 2025)

HIGHLIGHTS • Since the ceasefire came into effect on 19 January, WFP has resumed full-fledged food distributions, and assisted over 330,000 people. Beneficiaries received significantly more rations,...
Inflicting Harm and Denying Care: Patterns of Attacks and Obstructions of Healthcare in the West Bank [EN/AR]

Jerusalem – Israeli forces and settlers have increased the use of extreme physical violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since the all-out war on Gaza began in October 2023,...
Committee on Exercise of Inalienable Rights of Palestinian People Opens 2025 Session
421st Meeting GA/PAL/1478 (Note: Due to the financial liquidity crisis affecting the UN and the resulting constraints, the full press release will be published at a later date.) The Committee on the...
Preocupación por el uso de fuerza letal ilícita en Jenin en la Ribera Occidental ocupada
Desde Portavoz del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos: Thameen Al-Kheetan Lugar Ginebra Estamos sumamente preocupados por el uso de fuerza letal ilícita en Jenin, en la...
Inquiétude face à l’usage illicite de la force létale à Jénine, en Cisjordanie occupée
A partir de Thameen Al-Kheetan, porte-parole du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme Lieu Geneva Nous sommes profondément inquiets face à l’usage illicite de la force létale à...
« Aucune issue en vue » : les forces israéliennes attaquent la Cisjordanie occupée alors que le cessez-le-feu prend effet, indiquent des experts
GENÈVE – L’intensification de l’attaque militaire israélienne contre la Cisjordanie occupée constitue une escalade dangereuse contre les Palestiniens, ont averti aujourd’hui des experts indépendants...
‘No end in sight’: Israeli forces attack occupied West Bank as Gaza ceasefire takes hold, say experts
GENEVA – Israel’s intensified military assault against the occupied West Bank marks a dangerous escalation against Palestinians, independent human rights experts* warned today, urging the...
United Nations ‘Fully Committed to Peace, Stability, Inalienable Rights of Palestinian People’, Secretary-General Tells Committee
SG/SM/22546 Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ remarks to the opening of the 2025 session of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, in...
“Suffering has not stopped for children in Gaza” - Save the Children CEO
Visiting Gaza three weeks after the pause in hostilities, Save the Children CEO Inger Ashing says the true devastation is only now emerging. GAZA, 5 February 2025 – Children in Gaza are in desperate...
Humanitarian Response Report PRCS 19/1/2025 until 01/2/2025

The General Situation: The ceasefire in the Gaza Strip came into effect on January 19, 2025, after 15 months of killing, destruction, displacement, and famine. This contributed to the implementation...