Food distributions to rural areas may have been the standard modus operandi in past decades, but today humanitarians are increasingly acting in urban areas and using a variety of distribution mechanisms. Humanitarians are using new technologies to implement cash and voucher programming and turning their expertise in these areas into advocacy and lessons sharing.
Please join us for this ALNAP/CaLP urban webinar which will present learnings from Oxfam and Concern's experiences using cash and voucher programming in urban contexts.
Concern will present their experiences using cash in social protection and livelihood programming in Nairobi, as well as their advocacy efforts which resulted in government taking up CTP programming as well. Oxfam will present their experiences with cash in WASH programming in Gaza.
Discussion will focus around what is new in the world of cash programming in urban areas, what lessons are emerging and how are these new methods changing the way humanitarians work in urban areas.
How to register
Watch the webinar recording at