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Building Resilience through Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation - Self-paced Certificate Course

There is no doubt that disasters in the recent past have become a major global concern and challenge. Increasing disasters are attributed to a number of factors, mainly of human origin, such as environmental degradation; rapid population increase with subsequent exponential expansion of urban centres and other related factors; all these leading to increased population vulnerabilities.

The trends of disasters are worrying in their nature, frequency and severity. It is upon this premise that plans such as Hyogo Framework of Action and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction were developed as a way of having collective and coordinated efforts to deal with the aforementioned challenges. Thus, development partners, governments and practitioners have rightly highlighted the need to prioritize mainstreaming DRR/CCA in their development and humanitarian interventions. IDEAL Public Health and Development Consultancy (IPHDC), in recognition of the capacity need for DRR and CCA in the development and humanitarian sector, has planned a training aimed at program planners, decision-makers and implementers.

Who should attend this training?

Programme staff of UN, NGOs and government agencies including project managers, officers and assistants.

What are the key aspects of the training?

  • Overview of DRR & CCA in relation to humanitarian and development actions.
  • Definitions of concepts and key terminologies.
  • Climate change science.
  • Understanding disasters.
  • Institutional frameworks of DRR & CCA.
  • Mainstreaming DRR & CCA in key development and humanitarian sectors.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation for DRR & CCA.

What is the main training objective?

To equip learners with skills and improve their understanding of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (DRR & CCA) concepts with an aim to improve the quality of DRR & CCA programming so that development actions can ultimately lead to increased communities' resilience to common hazards such as droughts, floods etc.

What learning approach and language will be used in the training?

The entire training will be facilitated in English.

The training method of delivery will consist of recorded lectures, documentaries, articles, reference materials, quizzes and assessments.

When is the training period?

This is a self-paced course which you can enroll and complete at your own time. With an average of 15 to 20hours total time input.

Inquiry on the course

For more information, send an email to or call +254 (20) 2345572.

Fee information

The training cost is US$ 400 which will cover the tuition fees, learning materials and certification.

Fee information

The training cost is US$ 400 which will cover the tuition fees, learning materials and certificates.

More information on payment of the fees will be provided upon inquiry.

How to register

Interested individuals should complete our Course Application Form. Then pay the course fees after which they will be provided with the link to the course and all the training reference materials.

For more information on our self-paced e-learning courses please click here.