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Event: IHL and the protection of people with disabilities

We hosted a virtual side-event at the Global Disability Summit on persons with disabilities and the inclusive protection of international humanitarian law.

Read transcript of the event (PDF opens in new window)

Even though about 15 percent of the population have some form of disability, this group is largely ignored when a conflict breaks out. International humanitarian law (IHL) - also known as the laws of war - does not include specific provisions for the protection of people with disabilities. Therefore, the existing law must be applied in an inclusive manner.

The side-event on 16 February 2022 served as an opportunity to highlight that persons with disabilities have a right to the equal protection of international humanitarian law. It informed participants of the protections that IHL offers if it is interpreted and applied in an inclusive manner.


Veronica Ndi: Cameroonian disability rights advocate

Shantha Rau Barriga: Disability Rights Director, Human Rights Watch

Alice Priddy: Senior Legal Adviser, Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre

Gerard Quinn: UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities

Moderator: Anna Eggelind: International Director, Diakonia

How to register

Watch the webinar recording at