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Childhub & ISPCAN Webinar: Burnout in the Child Welfare Profession

About the webinar:

We are happy to invite you to a joint Childhub and ISPCAN webinar on burnout in child welfare profession! In their daily work, child welfare professionals are exposed to a variety of traumatic events including family violence and child abuse and neglect. It is not a surprise that so many of the experts feel anxious and overwhelmed in their everyday work. Different research show that child welfare workers experience high level of burnout, contributing to poor job performance and turnover. As a result, it is essential that every professional gets needed support and finds a way to deliver a service to children and families while maintaining their own wellbeing.

In this webinar we will:

  • Discuss what burnout is, and how it differs from vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue
  • Identify personal and organizational risk factors, and
  • Analyze how we protect ourselves from burnout

The main aim of this webinar is to pass basic knowledge of burnout to managers, direct practice professionals and supervisors. Supervisors are very important group of actors in this regard, as they should have higher knowledge of burnout to recognize it among their staff and be able to adequately react, as well as put effective prevention measures in place.

About the presenter:

Emina Borjanić Bolić, PhD is social worker and an Assistant Professor at the College of Social Work Belgrade Serbia. She has published numerous scientific papers in the area of the secondary traumatic stress and vicarious traumatization among child welfare professionals and trauma in general. She also has a few years long experience in direct work with children as a Head of treatment in Emergency shelter for abused children in Belgrade.

About the hosts:

Child Protection Hub is a regional network present in more than eight SEE countries, aiming to contribute to producing, distributing and disseminating knowledge on child protection and child rights related topics. Childhub offers numerous free-of-charge resources for child protection professionals in local languages, online and offline capacity building opportunities and knowledge exchange opportunities. Working together with other prominent organizations in this field is a key to be effective, which is why we are especially glad to have this joint webinar with ISPCAN!

The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) is a multidisciplinary, non-profit organization focused on helping professionals who work with children to prevent and treat child abuse and neglect in all its forms. Since our founding more than 40 years ago, ISPCAN has connected thousands of professionals from the fields of psychiatry, psychology, medicine, nursing, social work, education, law, public health, and government through our conferences and Congresses, trainings, forums and Working Groups, a monthly peer-reviewed journal, and other key publications and resources. We believe that through education, collaboration, and a multidisciplinary approach, we can end the preventable tragedy of abuse and neglect for children everywhere.

How to register

Watch the webinar recording at Childhub & ISPCAN Webinar: Burnout in the Child Welfare Profession | ChildHub - Child Protection Hub