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ChildHub INSPIRE series: The international success story of the KiVa Antibullying Program

We are happy to invite you for another session in the Childhub INSPIRE webinar series! On Thursday, March 21, at 14pm CET we will have a pleasure to hear from excellent speaker about promising practice that has been implemented around the world, linked to the following INSPIRE strategy:

Strategy 7: Education and life skills

Quality education helps children acquire knowledge, skills and experiences that build resilience and reduce risk factors for violence. When education systems, schools, parents and communities commit to providing safe and engaging learning environments, children are better able to succeed academically, grow socially, and avoid experiencing or perpetrating violence.

KiVa is an innovative, award-winning and evidence-based antibullying program, built on cutting-edge research on bullying and its mechanisms. KiVa has been developed at the University of Turku, with funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland. It is a sought-after program and is implemented world-wide from Finland to New Zealand and from Argentina to the UK.

In this webinar you will learn about:

  • The phenomenon of bullying and how does the KiVa antibullying program intervene in bullying and victimization
  • The effectiveness of the KiVa program
  • How KiVa can be implemented outside of Finland

About the presenter:

Since 2014 Johanna has worked in the education export team at the University of Turku, and is responsible for exporting the KiVa antibullying program to new countries through licensing partnerships. She is also part of the training team that trains new Certified KiVa Trainers globally and assists in the processes of launching and implementing KiVa successfully in the new regions.

About the INSPIRE series:

In winter 2019 ChildHub features the INSPIRE package: The INSPIRE package represents an evidence-based approach to revitalizing, focusing, and expanding current multisectoral efforts to prevent and respond to violence against children. It was developed in collaboration with the WHO, CDC, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, PEPFAR, PAHO, UNICEF, UNODC, USAID, Together for Girls, and the World Bank. The package is based on convergence between these agencies and partnerships in the strategies they have been recommending, and presents the best available evidence.

The seven strategies are:

  1. Implementation and enforcement of laws
  2. Norms and values
  3. Safe environments
  4. Parent and caregiver support
  5. Income and economic strengthening
  6. Response and support services, and
  7. Education and life skills.

These seven evidence-based strategies are complemented by two cross-cutting ones: multi-sectoral coordination, and monitoring & evaluation. The core INSPIRE document is now complemented by a detailed INSPIRE Implementation handbook setting out how to select and implement interventions from each of the seven strategies, and a compendium of Indicators by which to measure their impact and uptake.

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