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Childhub INSPIRE Series: The Cardiff Model for Violence Prevention

The webinar is the second of a series that will present the seven strategies of ending violence against children, called INSPIRE. This webinar will present the strategy No. 3 "Safe Environments".

About the webinar:

Based on the discovery that most violence which results in emergency treatment is not known to police, Professor Shepherd initiated and developed the violence prevention programme now widely known as the Cardiff Model. This approach is based on the collection in hospital emergency departments of unique information about violence which is not available from other sources. This unique information is anonymised, shared and used by police, city governments and public health working together, to prevent violence. This approach has been tested in controlled trials and evaluations of cost benefit and is known to be effective and cost effective. The programme reduces violence, reduces hospital admissions and reduces costs across health and justice systems. The programme has been implemented across the U.K., and in cities in Europe, Australia and in the United States. In 2018, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention adopted this policy and published training and other materials to drive implementation across the country.

About the speaker:

Jonathan Shepherd is professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery at Cardiff University where he founded the Violence and Society Research Group which won the University a 2009 Queen's Prize. Prompted by his discoveries he led the development of a prototype community safety partnership (Cardiff’s violence prevention board) which he chaired for 20 years from 1997 and which was used as a model in the Crime and Disorder Act which mandated the creation of such partnerships across Great Britain. He initiated and developed the Universities' Police Science Institute in Wales, the information sharing model for violence prevention which was adopted by successive UK governments and in the 2018 Serious Violence Strategy, and a comprehensive care pathway for people harmed by violence published by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

His 2008 proposal for an independent professional body for policing was taken up by the UK government and the new College of Policing was launched in 2013. He also initiated and chaired the 2014 launch by the President of the Supreme Court of the Probation Institute, the independent professional body for probation. He was also instrumental in the creation of the new Chartered College of Teaching (2016) of which he is a founding fellow and trustee. His field trials and advocacy on glass injury resulted in a switch to toughened glassware and polycarbonate tableware in the UK licensed trade.

His research prompted the historic first National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance published in 2000. He won the 2008 Stockholm Criminology Prize - the first UK recipient of what The Times described as "the equivalent of a Nobel prize"; is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists; the Royal College of Emergency Medicine; and the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians. He has served as an elected council member and trustee of the Royal College of Surgeons of England which awarded him an Honorary FRCS in 2012, and as vice chair of the national charity Victim Support. He contributed to the Domestic Violence (Wales) Bill and spoke for the NHS at the 2012 launch of the White Paper.

Professor Shepherd initiated and chaired the steering group which delivered the UK professions summits, and convened the 2013 summit on evidence-based practice chaired by Lord O'Donnell at the Institution of Civil Engineers. His advocacy and research on evidence led to the formation of the What Works Council and the new What Works Centres equivalent to NICE in the NHS. He is a member of the Cabinet Office What Works Council for which he initiated and wrote the 2014 report on what he designated as the evidence ecosystem. He initiated and drafted the Declaration on Evidence which was signed in 2017 at the Royal Society by 27 UK professional bodies including the College of Policing, the Chartered College of Teaching and all the medical Royal Colleges. Since 2004 he has been a member of the UK government's alcohol strategy group (now the Health and Enforcement Alcohol Forum) which developed the national 2012 strategy which includes actions resulting from his research. He was elected a fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2002 and to the Academy’s Council in 2011. He is a member of the Home Office Science Advisory Council.

About the INSPIRE series:

In January and February ChildHub features the INSPIRE package: The INSPIRE package represents an evidence-based approach to revitalizing, focusing, and expanding current multisectoral efforts to prevent and respond to violence against children. It was developed in collaboration with the WHO, CDC, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, PEPFAR, PAHO, UNICEF, UNODC, USAID, Together for Girls, and the World Bank. The package is based on convergence between these agencies and partnerships in the strategies they have been recommending, and presents the best available evidence.

The seven strategies are:

  1. implementation and enforcement of laws
  2. norms and values
  3. safe environments
  4. parent and caregiver support
  5. income and economic strengthening
  6. response and support services, and
  7. education and life skills.

These seven evidence-based strategies are complemented by two cross-cutting ones: multi-sectoral coordination, and monitoring & evaluation. The core INSPIRE document is now complemented by a detailed INSPIRE Implementation handbook setting out how to select and implement interventions from each of the seven strategies, and a compendium of Indicators by which to measure their impact and uptake.

Here you can read all of the materials of INSPIRE

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