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Childhub INSPIRE Series: Sexual education is about more than sex – The "Yelon" project

About the webinar:

The webinar is the first of a series that will present the seven strategies of ending violence against children, called INSPIRE. This first webinar will present the strategy No. 7 "Education and Life Skills", through a Hungarian sexual education project called "YELON", by Hintalovon Child Rights Foundation. It provides information and help to young people between the ages of 10 and 18 on their body, self, sexuality and relations. A webpage and a mobile application makes the information easily accessible for the targeted youth and through both channels they can reach the live chat, serviced by highly trained volunteers.

Yelon approaches the notion of sexuality in a holistic way that is inseparable from self and body, relations and intimity and provides age-appropriate, professional and reliable information to teenagers. To help keep pace with their children and as an attempt to assist home and school sexual education, a separate page was created for parents and other adults responsible for children. Yelon treats the sexual education of children as an inextricable part of their overall upbringing and well-being. The contents provided on the website address questions which can help not only the healthy development of self- and body image and sexuality, but also learning to respect and support each other's integrity (issues regarding sexual consent, bullying, abuse, harassment, corporal punishment).

About the speaker:

Bernadett Fodor has been at the program for 2 years, first as an editor of the articles, then as editor-in-chief responsible for organizing the production and publication of the contents on the website. She became the leader of Yelon in November 2018. She majored in English, Cultural Management, and Publishing Studies, and completed the trainings of Hintalovon Foundation on child rights, child abuse, adolescence etc.

About the INSPIRE series:

In January ChildHub features the INSPIRE package: The INSPIRE package represents an evidence-based approach to revitalizing, focusing, and expanding current multisectoral efforts to prevent and respond to violence against children. It was developed in collaboration with the WHO, CDC, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, PEPFAR, PAHO, UNICEF, UNODC, USAID, Together for Girls, and the World Bank. The package is based on convergence between these agencies and partnerships in the strategies they have been recommending, and presents the best available evidence.

The seven strategies are:

1) implementation and enforcement of laws

2) norms and values

3) safe environments

4) parent and caregiver support

5) income and economic strengthening

6) response and support services, and

7) education and life skills.

These seven evidence-based strategies are complemented by two cross-cutting ones: multi-sectoral coordination, and monitoring & evaluation. The core INSPIRE document is now complemented by a detailed INSPIRE Implementation handbook setting out how to select and implement interventions from each of the seven strategies, and a compendium of Indicators by which to measure their impact and uptake.

How to register

Watch the webinar recording at Childhub INSPIRE Series: Sexual education is about more than sex – The "Yelon" project | ChildHub - Child Protection Hub