About the webinar:
What drives violent extremism amongst children and youth, and what should child protection practitioners do about it?
Childhub hosted a webinar to present the findings of a research collaboration between Terre des hommes and WANA Institute conducted in 2018, which led to the publication of the report Reconceptualising the Drivers of Violent Extremism: an agenda for Child and Youth Resilience.
We are happy to have had Dr. Erica Harper, a former Executive Director of WANA and the author of the report as a speaker, as well as Kristen Hope, Research and Advocacy Coordinator for the Access to Justice Programme at Terre des hommes as a moderator for this webinar!
Join us to learn more about:
- The insights from the most up-to-date literature on what forces and deficits drive violent extremism, with a specific focus on young people.
- Deficits in current response strategies and their impact on children and young people that impact the work of child protection workers
- Types of actions should be reinforced to prevent and respond to this phenomenon
About the speaker:
Dr Erica Harper has a Bachelor of Commerce (Economics), Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and Doctor of Philosophy (International Law). She has worked for various international organizations and NGOs, including UNHCR (Geneva, Philippines and Timor Leste), Community and Family Services International (Philippines), UNDP (Geneva) and the International Development Law Organization (Indonesia and Geneva). She founded the WANA Institute - a Jordan-based policy think tank, in 2014 and led the organization until 2018. Prior to this, she occupied the position of Senior Rule of Law Advisor for the International Development Law Organization in Geneva (2007-2012) where she ran a portfolio of legal empowerment projects spanning 13 countries including in the areas of customary justice, community land titling, and child protection. During this period she was also seconded to UNDP to write the Guidance Note on Rule of Law Programming in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations and to UNHCR as Chair of the Global Protection Cluster Taskforce on Natural Disasters. Dr Harper is the author of four books on international legal issues, including protection in natural disaster situations, housing, land and property rights, and customary justice systems. She has also authored numerous journal articles and a series of edited volumes on rule of law programming in post-conflict and post-disaster environments. Her areas of specialization are post-conflict rule of law strengthening, customary justice systems, legal empowerment and Islamic legal systems.
About the moderator:
With a BA in Arabic and Politics from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and a MSc in International Development Management, Kristen Hope attempts to transform the principles of participation and empowerment into practice by using action-oriented research and participatory approaches to develop programmes that prevent and respond to violence and increase children’s access to justice, whereby both adults and children become active in their own protection.
Kristen has over 15 years’ experience working with children to help them express their voices, half of which have focused on vulnerable and marginalized groups in the Middle East and North Africa including refugees and ethnic minorities. Her areas of expertise include research methods, community-based child protection mechanisms and legal pluralism.
How to register
Watch a recording of the webinar here.