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Medical evaluation part 3 – A key criteria for the Barnahus and similar setups (CHILDHUB WEBINAR)

About the webinar:

One criteria of the Barnahus is that a medical evaluation is carried out to ensure a victim’s right to health and to secure forensic evidence for investigative purposes. As part of its medical services, a Barnahus or similar setup should also provide treatment and referrals to specialists as integral parts of its service.

The 3-part webinar mini-series will explore the many considerations for meeting the medical evaluation criteria for Barnahus:

The part 1 of this series on Framework for medical standards featuring Stefan Rune, Consultant paediatrician at Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden takes places on 18 October 2018, 15:00 CEST.

The second part of the mini-series looks into Physical abuse diagnostic work-up and decision-making, featuring Resmiye Oral, Professor of Paediatrics, Director of the Child Protection Program at the University of Iowa, USA.

This third part on Sexual abuse diagnostic work-up and decision-making, featuring Andrea Goddard, Consultant paediatrician and Paedriatic Lead, The Havens Sexual Assault Referral Centre, Kings College Hospital, NHS Fundation Trust, UK. Childhub and PROMISE are looking forward to host you for this webinar!

This mini-series is targeted to all professionals who are working to meet the Barnahus Quality Standards, or to otherwise ensure reliable evidence and good outcomes for children who are victims and witnesses of violence. Join to learn about:

  • Why medical evaluation is important for the wellbeing of children and the investigation,
  • Best practices for a multi-disciplinary cooperation which includes medical evaluation,
  • The types of medical providers who should be available to the Barnahus and the additional training they may need,
  • What a child-friendly exam room may look like,
  • The process when a medical problem is detected that would otherwise would have gone unnoticed,
  • Ensuring treatment and follow-up.

This webinar is targeted to all professionals who are working to meet the Barnahus Quality Standards, or to otherwise ensure reliable evidence and good outcomes for children who are victims and witnesses of violence. We recommend reviewing Barnahus Quality Standard #7 before joining this webinar. Participants are warmly welcomed to ask questions and contribute their own experiences in the webinar’s chat feature.

How to register

Visit our webinar page to watch a recording of this webinar.