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Scaling Up Resettlement: The Role of Private Sponsorship Programmes in Addressing the Refugee Crisis


Tim Finch, Coordinator, National Refugees Welcome Board

Madeline Garlick, Chief of Section, Protection Policy and Legal Advice, UNHCR Division of International Protection

Judith Kumin, Adjunct Professor in the Politics and Society Program, University of New Hampshire at Manchester; and former UNHCR Director for Europe and Representative to the European Union


Elizabeth Collett, Director of MPI Europe and Senior Advisor to MPI Transatlantic Council on Migration

As the European Union considers scaling up plans to resettle refugees from Turkey and other countries of first asylum to improve protection, as well as reduce pressures to travel illicitly, limit the power of criminal networks and develop more equitable responsibility sharing among EU Member States, speakers, including the author of a MPI report, discuss their analysis on how private sponsorship programmes for refugees could possibly enhance outcomes and spread costs.

Used by Canada, Australia, and a handful of other countries, as well as 15 of the 16 German länder, these programmes permit private individuals, groups, corporations, and other entities to sponsor individual refugees for resettlement and accept financial responsibility for them for a period of time. Panelists explore how these programmes, if implemented or expanded in EU countries, might provide an additional safe and orderly channel for refugees to gain protection and become one part of the broader solution that policymakers are seeking in response to the current crisis.

Speakers also delve into key questions and challenges that should be considered in implementation, including who would be eligible to sponsor refugees, what would sponsors’ responsibilities entail, who could be sponsored, and how would applicants be chosen, what entitlements and status might sponsored refugees get, and more political questions as to whether such initiatives merely represent a divestment of government responsibilities onto an overstretched volunteer sector.

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