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Understanding how crises affect women and men, girls and boys of different ages and disparities is critical to effective humanitarian preparedness and response. Women, girls, boys and men have distinct needs, priorities, responsibilities, limitations and protection needs. They are exposed to differential risks and vulnerabilities but also play unique and important roles in preparedness and in responding to emergencies, conflicts and building peace within their respective communities. Gender equality in humanitarian action is about better targeting and programming and therefore about effectiveness of humanitarian action reaching all segments of the affected population.

Must Read

Guidelines and Manuals

Côte d'Ivoire

UN Women Côte D’Ivoire Strategic Note 2021 - 2025

This brochure summarizes UN Women’s strategic note (SN) for Côte d’Ivoire, 2021–2025, which provides a roadmap for improving the lives of women and girls in Côte d’Ivoire. The SN articulates UN...


Gender with Age Marker

Women, Peace & Security

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