The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) was activated on 25 May 2023 to support the humanitarian response following the outbreak of conflict on 15 April 2023. The ETC is led by WFP in Sudan...
Sudan faces an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, with 30.4 million people—over half the population—requiring assistance in 2025. Among them are 16 million children, representing the nation’s future.
The people in need comprises 14.3 million non-hosting residents (47 per cent), 8.9 million internally displaced persons (29 per cent), 6.4 million host community members (21 per cent), and 0.89 million refugees (3 per cent). Over half of those affected are children, and 50 per cent are women and girls.
Acute food insecurity has more than tripled since the pre-conflict period, affecting over half the population. Famine conditions have been confirmed in parts of North Darfur, with millions more at risk in conflict-affected areas, including Darfur, Kordofan, and Khartoum.
Since April 2023, over 12 million people have been displaced, including 8.8 million within Sudan and over 3 million fleeing to neighbouring countries. This marks one of the largest global displacement crises in less than two years.
The conflict has devastated the lives of 24 million children, leaving 17 million out of school and fuelling a generational catastrophe. Gender-based violence has reached alarming levels, disproportionately affecting women and children, with over 12.2 million at risk—an 80 per cent increase from the previous year. Urgent action is needed to de-escalate the conflict, enable unrestricted humanitarian access and address famine risks. (OCHA, 23 Jan 2025)
The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) was activated on 25 May 2023 to support the humanitarian response following the outbreak of conflict on 15 April 2023. The ETC is led by WFP in Sudan...
World + 13 more
Author: Trey Billing The ACLED Conflict Alert System (CAST) forecasts organized political violence up to six months into the future. Forecasts are made globally - at the national and sub-national...
Sudan + 19 more
RÉGION OCCIDENTALE : PRUDENCE SITUATION. Nombreux groupes et quelques foyers de reproduction en Algérie (18 918 ha traités) ; quelques petits essaims et foyers de reproduction au Tchad ; groupes...
Chad + 1 more
Sudan + 10 more
CAR + 2 more
CAR + 5 more
As of January 2025, 4,037,554 individuals were affected, including 469,342 internally displaced persons (12% of the displaced population), 2,309,365 returnees former IDPs (57%), 539,800 returnees...
CAR + 1 more
Faits saillants ▪ La situation sécuritaire dans les zones d'accueil de réfugiés soudanais à Vakaga, Bamingui-Bangoran, Haute Kotto, Ouaka, Mbomou et Haute Mbomou est calme, mais reste imprévisible au...
CAR + 1 more
Highlights ▪ While the overall security situation in Sudanese refugee-hosting areas such as Vakaga, BaminguiBangoran, Haute Kotto, Ouaka, Mbomou, and Haute Mbomou remained calm during the reporting...
Chad + 3 more
Réponse d’urgence à l’Est Les violences persistantes au Soudan continuent d’entraîner des déplacements massifs vers le Tchad. Entre le 20 et le 26 janvier 2025, 4 584 personnes ont traversé la...
Chad + 1 more
A vant-propos du coordonnateur humanitaire Malgré d’énormes efforts consentis par les autorités et un appui appréciable des partenaires au développement, le contexte du Tchad se caractérise par trois...
Chad + 7 more
Due to the significant cross-border population movement out of Sudan resulting from the ongoing crisis, this Emergency Appeal intends to support the humanitarian response plans and activities of the...
Egypt + 1 more
FOOD SECURITY SNAPSHOT Planting of 2025 crops completed in mid-January Cereal production in 2024 estimated at near-average level Cereal import requirements in 2024/25 forecast at below average level...
Egypt + 21 more
This Quarterly Mixed Migration Update (QMMU) covers the Eastern and Southern Africa region plus Egypt and Yemen (ESA). The core areas of focus include the Eastern route, from East and the Horn of...
Egypt + 3 more
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Ethiopia + 11 more
OVERVIEW In December 2024, a total of 34,819 movements were observed across the six flow monitoring points (FMPs) in Ethiopia. This represents an 11.8% increase in daily average movements in...
Ethiopia + 4 more
In Numbers 2.35 million people assisted USD 5.47 million cash-based transfers provided 13,167 metric tonnes (mt) of food distributed USD 299.4 million six months (Jan – June 2025) net funding...
Ethiopia + 3 more
Everyday, for nearly 75 years, along with donors and partners, UNHCR strived to provide protection and relief to refugees. Like all our operations across the globe, UNHCREthiopia's objective is to...
South Sudan + 1 more
The European Union allocated an additional €1 million to the cholera response in South Sudan, as the situation in the country is deteriorating. This emergency funding, coming on top of €1 million...
South Sudan + 1 more
Desde diciembre de 2024, la cada vez más intensa guerra en Sudán ha obligado a más de 110.000 personas a huir de sus hogares. Muchas de ellas han llegado a la frontera con Sudán del Sur y se refugian...
South Sudan + 1 more
I. Introducción 1. El presente informe se ha elaborado en cumplimiento de la resolución 2729 (2024) del Consejo de Seguridad, en la que el Consejo prorrogó el mandato de la Misión de las Naciones...
World + 15 more
Human Rights Council Fifty-eighth session 24 February–4 April 2025 Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the...
South Sudan + 1 more
I. Introduction 1. The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2729 (2024), by which the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)...
Egypt + 1 more
(Cairo, 22 December 2024): The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has allocated $6 million to bolster the humanitarian response for refugees fleeing the conflict in Sudan and...
DR Congo + 9 more
Face à une crise humanitaire persistante et multidimensionnelle en Afrique centrale, le Chef de l’UNOCA, Abdou Abarry, a exhorté les États membres de la Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique...
Cameroon + 1 more
Ce tableau de bord propose un récapitulatif des déplacements de populations enregistrés entre janvier et décembre 2024 dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun. Il met en lumière l’évolution des...
Sudan + 19 more
RÉGION OCCIDENTALE : PRUDENCE SITUATION. Nombreux groupes et quelques foyers de reproduction en Algérie (18 918 ha traités) ; quelques petits essaims et foyers de reproduction au Tchad ; groupes...
As the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) escalate their fighting in Khartoum, Amnesty International has received alarming information, including reports of lists of potential...
Delivered by UN Human Rights Office Spokesperson Seif Magango Location Geneva The civilian death toll in Sudan continues to rise as hostilities between the rival parties sharply escalate. From 31...
The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) was activated on 25 May 2023 to support the humanitarian response following the outbreak of conflict on 15 April 2023. The ETC is led by WFP in Sudan...