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Sudan Regional Displacement Crisis


Sudan faces an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, with 30.4 million people—over half the population—requiring assistance in 2025. Among them are 16 million children, representing the nation’s future.

The people in need comprises 14.3 million non-hosting residents (47 per cent), 8.9 million internally displaced persons (29 per cent), 6.4 million host community members (21 per cent), and 0.89 million refugees (3 per cent). Over half of those affected are children, and 50 per cent are women and girls.

Acute food insecurity has more than tripled since the pre-conflict period, affecting over half the population. Famine conditions have been confirmed in parts of North Darfur, with millions more at risk in conflict-affected areas, including Darfur, Kordofan, and Khartoum.

Since April 2023, over 12 million people have been displaced, including 8.8 million within Sudan and over 3 million fleeing to neighbouring countries. This marks one of the largest global displacement crises in less than two years.

The conflict has devastated the lives of 24 million children, leaving 17 million out of school and fuelling a generational catastrophe. Gender-based violence has reached alarming levels, disproportionately affecting women and children, with over 12.2 million at risk—an 80 per cent increase from the previous year. Urgent action is needed to de-escalate the conflict, enable unrestricted humanitarian access and address famine risks. (OCHA, 23 Jan 2025)

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Situation Reports

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Maps and Infographics

Appeals and Response Plans

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Regional Focus - South Sudan

Updates available in Arabic / العربية

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