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Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC) 2019 Rural Livelihoods Assessment



• The assessment was carried out in an environment where the Government had set in moon a Transional Stabilizaon Programme (TSP) in a bid to set the economy on a recovery path aer years of stagnaon. The TSP has been set to run from October 2018 to December 2020 with the aim of operaonalizing Vision 2030 which seeks to transform Zimbabwe into a middle-income country with a per capita income of USD 3 500 per person. • The programme focuses on the following factors:

• Stabilizing the macro-economy, and the financial sector; • Introducing necessary policy and instuonal reforms to translate to a private sector-led economy; • Addressing infrastructure gaps and launching quick-wins to smulate growth. • Smulang domesc producon, exports, rebuilding and transforming the economy to an upper middle income status by 2030.

• As Zimbabwe is going through the primary stages of a radical economic transformaon that is supposed to see the country becoming middle-income economy by 2030, a number of challenges militate against this posive trajectory.

• The economy performed poorly, characterised by:

• Lack of decent and secure employment. • Liquidity challenges for both local and foreign currency • The use of alternave modes of payment