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Zimbabwe + 5 more

Zimbabwe: UNHCR Monthly Operational Update, April-May-June 2023


World Refugee Day was celebrated in Tongogara Refugee Camp in June with members of the Government of Zimbabwe and other dignitaries, as well as partners, donors and refugees and asylum-seekers.

UNHCR kickstarts two projects to prevent Gender Based Violence in Tongogara Refugee Camp thanks to new earmarked funds from the US Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM).

In May, UNHCR’s WASH implementing partner trained 20 (8M: 12F) health workers on cholera management and control at Birchenough Bridge, Chipinge District, Manicaland province.

Zimbabwe commemorates World Refugee Day at Tongogara Refugee Camp

World Refugee Day is a day to honour the courage, strength and contributions of millions of people worldwide who have been forced to flee their homes due to violence, war or persecution. It's a day to remember that with help from hosting communities and neighbors, can restart their lives and contribute to the countries hosting them.

This year's theme was "Hope Away From Home. A world where refugees are always included." To mark World Refugee Day, the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Professor Paul Mavima, assured refugees of "the Government of Zimbabwe's commitment towards the realization of the inclusive agenda of leaving no one and no place behind shown in education, health, food and nutrition security, information, communication and technology, self-reliance, sport, and cultural programmes among others."

He added that “as a progressive member of the community of nations, Zimbabwe affirms its international obligations towards refugee protection in line with the cardinal principles and values enshrined in the international, continental and national policy framework.” The Government also "reaffirms its commitment to advance the humanitarian-development nexus in order to harness the demographic dividend within the refugee population towards their transformation."

UNHCR Representative in Zimbabwe a.i., Ahmed Baba Fall, stated that "including refugees in the communities where they have found safety is the most effective way to enable them to rebuild their lives and contribute to local economies and the countries hosting them."