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Zimbabwe: More programmes in pipeline for WVZ

A child supplementary feeding programme and the feeding of the chronically ill is set to continue for another six months following negotiations between World Vision Zimbabwe and USAID.
Recently, the European Commission Humanitarian Office approved a US$472 000 grant for the implementation of a water and sanitation programme in Mukumbura in Mt Darwin, 220 kilometres north-east of Harare.

World Vision Zimbabwe is also running an agricultural recovery programme supported by Help Germany, CIDA, OFDA, FAO and LEAD. Under this programme, farmers received seeds and extension services from World Vision. There is also an HIV/AIDS awareness component.

ZIMBABWE: WVZ feeding about 1.7 million World Vision Zimbabwe is currently running a food relief programme in 18 districts reaching about 1.7 million needy people. The commodities, which include maize meal, corn soya blend, beans and vegetable oil are being provided by World Food Programme, USAID and C-SAFE (Consortium for Southern African Famine Emergency), which is USAID funded.

WV Zimbabwe first distributed food in partnership with the WFP from February 2002 to September 2002.

Currently World Vision Zimbabwe is implementing the second phase of the WFP food distribution, reaching over 1,3 million needy people.

The C-SAFE program is a regional food assistance program to Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi involving three agencies where World Vision is the leading agency in Zimbabwe with the other two being CARE International and Catholic Relief Services.