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Zimbabwe: IOM provides recovery assistance to vulnerable populations

IOM through its implementing partners, mostly national and international NGOs and churches is distributing food and non-food items to families displaced by operation Restore Order.

Operation Restore Order, a government crackdown on informal settlements and markets has left an estimated 700,000 people homeless.

To date, more than 25,000 households countrywide (125,805 individuals) have received IOM's assistance, which includes 40,000 blankets and 1,070 metric tons of food.

Food assistance donated by WFP and the Consortium for Southern Africa Food Security Emergency (C-Safe) consists of a monthly family pack containing 50 kg of cereals, 10 kg of beans or pulses and 4 litres of oil.

IOM, through its implementing partners is also providing assistance to mobile and vulnerable populations affected by the 2000 Fast-track Land Reform Programme, which was intended to redress land inequality.

Assistance to mostly ex-farm workers and their hosting communities includes food and non-food item distribution, improvement of access to water and sanitation facilities, livelihood assistance programmes and HIV/AIDS awareness and mainstreaming activities.

To date, IOM has assisted more than 115, 000 individuals who currently live in extreme poverty. A further 86,000 affected school children are also benefiting from a joint IOM-WFP school feeding assistance programme.

IOM is seeking US$ 4,5 million to fund its emergency humanitarian assistance programme for vulnerable populations.

For more information, please contact Nicola Simmonds, IOM Harare, Tel: + 263 4 355044, Email or Mohammed Abdiker, Chief of Mission Tel: + 263 4 355044