IOM Harare is launching a nationwide information campaign on cross border mobility, irregular migration and HIV/AIDS this month.
The programme aims to encourage potential migrants to make informed choices when they consider emigrating, increase public awareness on the risks of irregular migration and the vulnerability of migrants to HIV/AIDS.
The campaign plans to use an array of multimedia messages that are both tried-and-tested and innovative. These will include: radio programmes in regional languages, songs, a short film, informative and interactive community campaigns in border towns, billboards and posters. There will also be training of national journalists and editors on the campaign issues and messages, and throughout the campaign, dialogue with national and regional policy makers.
The focus will be on mobile groups potentially at risk, such as sex workers, truck drivers and informal traders, and on resident communities living in Zimbabwe's major transit areas and border towns such as Chirundu, Nyamapanda, Beitbridge, Plumtree and Machipanda.
There is increasing recognition that migrants and mobile populations may be more at risk of exposure to HIV than sedentary populations. Zimbabwe has an HIV adult prevalence rate estimated at 24.6%
The programme is implemented in collaboration with UNAIDS and Zimbabwean authorities through the Department of Immigration Control, the National Aids Council and the Department of Information and Publicity.
For more information, please contact:
Nicola Simmonds
IOM Harare
Tel: + 263 4 355044
Mohammed Abdiker
Chief of Mission
Tel: + 263 4 355044