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Zimbabwe Humanitarian Situation Report No.12 - 28 February 2017



  • By the end of January 2017, 1,123 children aged 0-59 months had been treated for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in the 20 priority districts with high global acute malnutrition (GAM) levels of 5% and above.

  • From mid-January to date, 1,380 typhoid cases have been reported in the country out of which 39 have been laboratory confirmed and two typhoid related deaths reported. UNICEF continues to support emergency preparedness and response through health and hygiene promotion, disease surveillance, capacity development and prepositioning of emergency water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and health supplies in affected areas and identified hot spots.

  • Zimbabwe has been experiencing localized and widespread flooding caused by torrential rains mainly in the southern provinces of Masvingo, Matabeleland South, Midlands and Manicaland. A total of 859 people including 460 children were recently displaced by flooding in Tsholotsho.

  • UNICEF received US$ 636,000 from the Government of Japan to assist vulnerable children to recover from the negative impacts of the El-Niño associated drought.

Situation In Numbers

4.1 million
People facing food and nutrition
insecurity from Jan-Mar 2017
(ZimVAC, July 2016)

Children aged 0-59 months with SAM
from 20 drought affected districts were
admitted and treated in the CMAM
program in Jan 2017
(DHIS, February 2017)

Cumulative typhoid cases comprising
1,341 suspected, 39 laboratory
confirmed and 2 reported deaths
(MOHCC, February 2017)

UNICEF Zimbabwe 2017
Humanitarian Requirements
US $13.5 million

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

Zimbabwe is facing multiple hazards and shocks affecting vulnerable women and men, namely drought, flooding, and diarrhoeal diseases. At-risk populations in districts with the highest food insecurity prevalence are bearing the brunt of these shocks. Between October 2016 and February 2017, there was an upsurge in diarrhoeal diseases, mainly typhoid fever. Harare’s Mbare suburb was the epi-centre of the typhoid outbreak. As of 19 February 2017, a total of 1,380 cumulative cases of typhoid and two deaths had been reported, 39 of them laboratory confirmed.

In line with regional and local seasonal forecasts, most parts of the country witnessed an increase in precipitation in January and February. Although tropical Cyclone Dineo was downgraded to a tropical depression on 16 February, it brought heavy precipitation in Bulawayo, Tsholotsho, Matobo, Kezi, Umzingwane, Bulilima, Gokwe South and Mberengwa districts causing riverine and flash flooding and subsequent destruction of livelihoods and properties. Gwayi River burst its banks, resulting in the destruction of homes and school infrastructure, and causing considerable damage to property and livelihoods. A total of 859 people were displaced, of which, 460 were children. The greater part of Tsholotsho remains at risk of flooding as shown in Figure 1 below, hence there is increased flood surveillance in the district.

Hydrological reports indicate that 85 per cent of dams in the country are full and at risk of flooding. The situation is compounded by the ongoing rainfall season which is expected to continue up to the end of March. The Government, UN-Agencies, NGOs and development partners are mobilizing resources to support ongoing flood preparedness and response programmes.