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Zimbabwe - Food Security and Markets Monitoring Report, November 2024


Zimbabwe is experiencing a delayed onset of rainfall, with most areas receiving below-average rain to date. Typically, the rainy season begins in mid-November, but significant rains have yet to be recorded in many regions. Vegetation and grazing conditions remain poor following the 2023/24 drought, negatively impacting livestock and draught power availability for planting. Immediate forecasts from SARCOF indicate a likelihood of normal to above-normal rainfall for much of the country in the period December 2024 to March 2025. However, normal to below-normal rainfall may still be experienced in localized areas during the same period. The transition to a weak La Niña phase later in 2024 is expected to improve rainfall prospects, albeit with some uncertainties. The most recent short term forecast points to drier conditions than normal in the short term alluding the need for increased alertness and monitoring.

The government, with the support of WFP and other partners, continues with the drought response across the country. The focus is on food assistance for the most vulnerable households coupled with input support for the current agriculture season.


  • In USD terms, the month on month inflation was 0.1% while the annual inflation was 3.3% for November 2024. In local currency, the month on month inflation rate was 11.7% down from 37.2% in October 2024 .

  • The WFP Hunger Map Live continues to show a high food insecurity situation in the country with about 36% of the rural population facing insufficient food consumption and 70% engaged in crisis and above coping strategies in November 2024.

  • Price of food on the international market saw a slight upward movement of about 0.5% according to the FAO price index. The index stood at 127.5 points.
    The upward movement is the largest month-on-month increase since April 2023

  • Maize grain continues to be unavailable on the monitored markets while unrefined maize meal was available in an average of 95% of the rural and urban markets. Other food commodities monitored were generally available in most markets except for chicken, eggs, and vegetables in formal rural markets as these are mainly sold at household level.

  • The USD cost of the monitored food and non food essential needs basket was stable in both urban and rural markets when compared to October 2024.