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Zimbabwe: Emergency Situation Report No. 7, As of 14 May 2019


This Situation Report is produced by OCHA Regional Office for Southern and Eastern Africa in collaboration with humanitarian partners. The Situation Report builds on Flash Updates No. 6 and provides more detailed information on the situation and response. It covers the period from 07 – 14 May 2019. The next Situation Report will be issued on or around 21 May


• The re-settlement of 87 families to temporary camps in Chimanimani has enabled schools to re-open.

• Long-term settlement planning by the Government remains a concern.

• Funding commitment for the response is at 50 per cent but the sectoral funding split is not uniform.

• The Displacement Tracking Mechanism (DTM) assessment at the village level has been completed and has mapped the mid- to longer-term priorities for families residing with host communities.

• Transition to early recovery activities is underway –the sector assessment has been completed and the World Bank has a delegation in-country to finalize sectoral programming.

• Phase II Food Assistance registrations are on-going and market assessments confirms that cash transfer programming is sustainable.

• The second and last round of the oral cholera vaccination (OCV) campaign in Chimanimani and Chipinge districts is underway.

• 230,000 persons so far have received food assistance, including reaching 50,000 vulnerable people (children under 5, pregnant and lactating women, people living with HIV and the disabled) through blanket supplementary feeding.


The re-location of displaced people residing in schools has been completed enabling all schools to re-open on 7 May. Families have been moved to serviced camp sites in Chimanimani. Discussion with local authorities and national government entities will be required to ensure more sustainable accommodation in the longer-term. In Chimanimani district a private sector house construction assessment will be completed by the end of May and this will inform planning for rehabilitation of existing houses and requirements for new houses. Following the World Bank’s announcement to provide up to $75 million for the cyclone-response (Early Recovery interventions) an assessment mission has deployed and is in-country. This multi-sector funding is to cover all affected districts with a focus on Education, WASH, Agriculture, Transport, Health and Water Infrastructure. The WB delegation will meet with Government/Local Authorities, UN agencies, and prospective operational partners to finalise sectoral intervention programming. Funding is being channeled through UN agencies. The Early Recovery sector under UNDP in collaboration with the Department of Civil Protection (DCP) is consolidating multi-sectoral stakeholder assessment reports to determine post-disaster recovery needs.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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