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Zimbabwe Annual Report 2014 (MAAZW001)


This report covers the period 1 January to 31 December, 2014.


2014 was a year in which the National Society built the capacity of its staff and volunteers, realigning its policies by considering organisational development (OD) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) as the entry point into programming direction it was taking from 2013 onwards. Thus the NS is realigning the turnaround strategy with its strategic plan through a review process. Also the NS constitution is being reviewed as well as the disaster management policy to take into consideration the current prevailing socio-political, environmental and economic situations. Also the HR policies, the accounting procedure manual and a new fraud and anti-corruption policy were in the process of being drafted.
ZRCS has achieved the following during the year 2014:

  • 21,096 people (4,529 households) in 2 provinces were reached with food aid support under the WFP funded Nutritional Support for ART Programme (NSART).

  • An emergency food security operation reaching out to over (2,100HH) 12,294 beneficiaries with cash for food assistance and safe water provision in Gwanda District was implemented.

  • The cash for food assistance was complemented by community gardening initiatives which saw the establishment of 5 community gardens and construction of a latrine in each garden.

  • Over 25,000 people gained access to safe water through the rehabilitation of existing boreholes and drilling of new ones in areas previously unserved. The management, operation and maintenance skills of local communities were enhanced through trainings to water point committees.

  • Disaster management committees in 3 wards of Chipinge District were trained in First Aid including District Civil Protection Committee members as a way of capacitating them to offer first aid services during times of disaster as well as other times when the services are required.