In Numbers
- 4,444 MT of food assistance distributed
- USD 897,210 cash-based transfers distributed
- USD 155 million net funding requirements for the next six months (Oct 24 – March 25)
- 358,518 people assisted in September 2024 through in-kind food and cash transfers
Operational Updates
Lean Season Assistance: As part of the national efforts to support the El Niño drought response and the UN Flash Appeal, in September, utilising funding received from WFP’s ARC replica policy payout, WFP and its partners successfully assisted 269,514 people out of a total of 272,787 in three districts: Buhera, Mwenezi, and Mangwe. Mangwe and Mwenezi districts received double rations, while Buhera received a single ration. Plans are underway to finalise the remaining distribution cycle for Buhera by 31 October.
WFP is consistently collaborating with other humanitarian partners and the Government to eliminate duplication and strengthen complementarity for a more efficient and comprehensive approach.
Urban Cash Assistance: WFP is assisting 62,455 in urban areas with USD 13 per person per month in five urban domains through cash assistance to help cushion the impacts of drought and increased food needs. WFP collaborates on its cash assistance activities with the Government and humanitarian partners through the National Cash Working Group.
WFP is layering cash-based transfers with resilience-building activities to promote long-term self-reliance while also utilising the urban cash assistance platform to support gender-transformative actions through the Stopping Abuse and Female Exploitation (SAFE) programme. In September, WFP Zimbabwe hosted a mission from the Group of Friends on Protection and Accountability (donors from Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and the United States of America) to observe how WFP implements the Protection and Accountability Policy. Partners travelled to Chiredzi and witnessed the SAFE programme, which is a multi-partner, FCDO-funded initiative where WFP combines unconditional cash transfers with resilience-building activities, internal saving and lending groups, a social empowerment component aimed at promoting family well-being and reducing intimate partner violence, and gender-based violence response services.