In Numbers
638.12 mt of food distributed
US$ 897,408 cash-based transfers distributed
US$ 103 million net funding requirements for the next six months (Dec 24 – May 25)
90,628 people assisted in November 2024 through in-kind food and cash transfers
Operational Updates
Lean Season Assistance: WFP prioritised partner engagement across seven of the eight targeted districts, with progress in Insizadistrictdelayed due to a later start. Beneficiary validation in Chivi District, conducted with support from the Department of Social Development (DSD) and other stakeholders, provided an opportunity to pilot and refine improved targeting tools, enhancing their effectiveness.
Verification of beneficiary households began to assess targeting efficiencies and is expected to conclude in December, enabling distributions to commence in Chivi District during December, with distributions in other districts scheduled to follow in January.
Food Assistance for Assets(FFA): The FFAprogrammeprovided triple rations of cereal and vegetable oil to 2,825 households(14,125 people)in Chiredzi, Kariba, and ZvishavaneDistricts. The distributionsare in lieu of assistance due to the participants for the 2024 FFA cycle, which had been affected by delays in the arrival of commodities. Distributions for this cycle will be finalised in December marking the end of the 2024 FFA cycle.
In 2024, WFP and partners focusedon upgrading existing assets, ecosystemrestoration and promoting climate-smart agriculture by training households among others in social cohesion, farming as a business, asset maintenance, village savings and lending schemes, soiland water conservation.Assets developed included drip irrigated nutrition gardens powered by solar boreholes, along with fodder plots, garden grading sheds, and poultry units.
Support to Refugees: 12,436 refugees and asylum seekers at Tongogara Refugee Settlement receiveda hybrid assistance of cash and in-kind assistance, with specialized foods provided to 2,585 vulnerable individuals (children under five, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and the chronically ill).
Urban Cash Assistance: In November, WFP assistance reached 62,481 individuals across Mzilikazi, Caledonia, Chinhoyi, Mutare, and Chiredziurban domains. Starting in December, WFP will scale down its urban cash assistance programme, focusing solely on Chiredzi through February 2025, reducing from the initial support for five urban areas.
The unavailability of resources for the Urban cash assistanceprogrammehas led to the discontinuation of the programmein 4 urban domainsduring this peak hunger and drought season.
Climate services: Farmers in Masvingo, Mwenezi, Chipinge, Rushinga, and Mangwe districts continued to receive advisories through WhatsApp and PICSA radio programmes, enhancing agricultural decision-making and disaster preparedness.
As part of anticipatory action activation, 4,984 farmers in Chiredzi received drought-tolerant seed varieties, complemented by climate services via extension agents and WhatsApp platforms.
Urban Preparedness: WFP and partners carried out a DisasterRisk Management (DRM) workshop in Kwekwe to review DRM plans and conduct simulations, promoting peer-to-peer learning among cities. Flood mapping exercises in Gweru are scheduled for January-February 2025.
Market and Food security monitoring: Zimbabwe is experiencing a delayed onset of rainfall, with most areas receiving below-average rain to date. Typically, the rainy season begins in mid-November, but significant rains have yet to be recorded in many regions. Vegetation and grazing conditions remain poor following the 2023/24 drought, negatively impacting livestock and draught power availability for planting. Immediate forecasts from SARCOF indicate a likelihood of normal to above-normal rainfall for much of the country in the period December 2024 to March 2025. However, normal to below-normal rainfall may still be experienced in localized areas during the same period.
The government, with the support of WFP and other partners, continues with the drought response across the country. The focus is on food assistance for the most vulnerable households coupled with input support for the current agriculture season.