In Numbers
184 MT of food assistance distributed
USD 897,000 cash-based transfers
USD 81.9 m next six months (June 24 – November 24) net funding requirements
74,533 people assisted in May 2024 through inkind food and cash transfers
Operational Updates
• WFP and partner representatives from Caritas, Mwenezi Development and Training Centre (MDTC), and World Vision held a Lean Season Assistance (LSA) lesson learned workshop to share insights and reflections on the recently concluded 2023–2024 LSA programme. The discussions provided foundational elements to strengthen planning and implementation of the upcoming 2024–25 LSA cycle.
• In May, WFP and partners provided assistance to 61,984 people (99.6% of the plan) in 5 urban domains through its urban cash transfer’s programme. This programme combats short-term food insecurity by providing a monthly cash transfer of USD 13 per person via two financial service providers. To protect against inflation and preserve the value of the assistance, the programme allows for USD cash outs.
• Given the country's current macroeconomic situation, WFP is working with the National Cash Working Group to review the current Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) to ensure that the beneficiaries’ purchasing power does not erode.
• WFP is layering its urban cash transfer programme with urban resilience activities to bolster the livelihoods of targeted urban communities. WFP and its partners, through the Urban Resilience Building Programme, assist 6,520 people in 6 urban domains with gender-transformative approaches to skill development and income generation.
Selected households receive starter kits and training from technical experts in business management, financial literacy, technical skills, and marketing.
• WFP and partners assisted 12,554 refugees and asylum seekers with cash and in-kind assistance at the Tongogara Refugee Settlement (TRS). Of these, WFP and partners assisted 12,318 refugees and asylum seekers with USD 7 per person and provided a complete in-kind basket to 236 new arrivals. An extra 6 kg of specialized nutritious foods were provided to 1,803 children under the age of 5, 405 pregnant and breastfeeding women, and 353 chronically ill persons to improve their tailored nutrition outcomes.
• WFP contributes to the government's disaster risk planning and management processes for climate hazards. In May, WFP advocated for the development of policies, structures, and strategies to support Anticipatory Actions (AA) in Zimbabwe, ensuring their integration into the government's disaster risk management systems. This process resulted in the review and validation of a roadmap for anticipatory action.
• Quarterly meetings with district AA Technical Working Groups were held in Rushinga, Mbire, and Mudzi districts to update the Anticipatory Action Plan (AAP) district annexes in preparation for the 2024–25 season.
• WFP is collaborating with UN agencies, the Ministry of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare, and other humanitarian organizations to operationalize the Zimbabwe Drought Flash Appeal, ensuring alignment and coordination of planned El Niño response activities with those of the government and other partners.