In Numbers
23 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 0.7 m cash-based transfers made
USD 52.2 m next six months (June – November 2022) net funding requirements
133,026(*) people assisted in May 2022
Operational Updates
WFP supported 11,710 refugees at the Tongogara Refugee Camp (TRC) through cash-based transfers, while additional 150 received in-kind food assistance.
The introduction of biometrics in the cash disbursement verification process resulted in the elimination of unauthorized third-party transactions.
This is a positive move towards WFP supporting refugees who are resident in TRC. -
Under the Urban Social Assistance and Resilience Building programme, 48,911 received cash-based transfers to meet their immediate food needs and 71,529 participated to income-generating activities.
Limited resources forced WFP to significantly scale back cash-based assistance in urban areas from 326,000 to 49,000 beneficiaries in January 2022, with a reduced entitlement of USD 10 per person/month from USD 12.
Starting July 2022, the coverage of this activity will be further reduced. A workshop was conducted with UNDP to support partners on resilience impact monitoring. -
WFP provided supply chain services valued at USD 3,6 million to four partners, mainly UN agencies. As part of its emergency preparedness activities, the Preparedness Project facilitated a Mobile Storage Unit assembly and conducted Warehouse Management Training in Masvingo. These capacity strengthening initiatives targeted government and humanitarian partner officers who are responsible for handling relief items as part of efforts to enhance emergency preparedness.
Insurance experts from WFP’s Headquarter and Regional Bureau in Johannesburg, carried out the review of the weather index insurance product and advised on how to improve insurance-related processes, with support from key stakeholders such as the Climate Change Management Department, the Meteorological Services Department, the Insurance and Pension Commission, and private insurance companies.
WFP in partnership with the international NGO SNV, has scaled up trainings on how to convert Village Savings and Lending Groups (VSLs) into formal Savings and Credits Cooperative Societies.