In Numbers
19 mt of food assistance distributed USD 1.2 m cash-based transfers made
USD 42 m next six months (July – December 2022) net funding requirements
60,555 people assisted in June 2022
Operational Updates
On the 1st of July, WFP Zimbabwe transitions its activities into the second-generation country strategic plan (CSP) which runs through 2026. Through this CSP, among other activities, WFP will contribute to building shock-responsive social protection and food systems, assist vulnerable people to pursue their life and livelihood aspirations, and support the Government to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
WFP joined the Government of Zimbabwe and UNHCR in commemorating the World Refugee Day on the 20th of June. WFP is assisting 11,682 refugees at the Tongogara Refugee Camp (TRC) through cash-based transfers to meet their immediate food needs.
A national lessons learnt workshop for lean season programming was conducted in collaboration with the Government stakeholders and cooperating partners. This led to crafting a road map to improve on the lean season assistance programme and the Department of Social Services led Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy programme.
Through the Urban Social Assistance and Resilience Building programme, 48,873 people received cash- based transfers to meet their immediate food needs in 3 urban domains, and 75,000 people in 23 urban domains participated in income-generating activities. 400 youth have been supported with digital life skills for income generation in Harare and Bulawayo.
Activities under the Zambuko Livelihoods Initiative were finalized in June. The project has been successful in resilience building among vulnerable smallholder farmers in areas prone to climatic shocks and stressors. Lessons from this successful integration of activities building resilience will be reflected in WFP’s future resilience programing.
The Field Logistics Preparedness Project finalised the refurbishments to a warehouse for the government’s National Disaster Management Agency, the Department of Civil Protection (DCP). This will enable DCP to have more and appropriate space for storage of relief items and will also allow improved commodity storage and management.