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WFP Zimbabwe Country Brief, February 2022


In Numbers

6,486 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 462,449 cash-based transfers made

USD 51 m next six months (April – September 2022) net funding requirements

690,468 people assisted in February 2022

Operational Updates

  • As part of the implementation of anticipatory actions to mitigate the effects of drought in Mudzi, training on climate services was held with the Meteorological Services Department (MSD), targeting extension officers and lead farmers. The objective of the training was to equip AGRITEX and farmers with knowledge and skills on how to interpret weather and climate information for informed decision making. The training also provided a platform to further sensitize stakeholders on the concept of forecast-based-financing. This was the first time that farmers in Mudzi had the opportunity to interact directly with MSD officers allowing them to provide feedback on MSD products.

  • Weather index insurance policies in Rushinga and Masvingo districts triggered for excess rainfall and are due for payouts in varying percentages. Discussions are underway with the insurer to identify appropriate payout distribution channels.

  • WFP’s lean season response runs from October to March, supporting and complementing the Government of Zimbabwe’s Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy. WFP increased its coverage to 649,000 people from January to March 2022 month, across 12 rural districts.

  • WFP is developing a rain/flood and cyclone preparedness plan, with the worst-case scenario informed by the impact of the Cyclone Idai weather system that hit the country in 2019. Through the logistic working group, a simulation exercise is planned for June, with Government involvement.

  • Under the Stopping Abuse and Female Exploitation (SAFE) initiative in Chiredzi, WFP and Plan International registered 315 households in 23 Internal Savings and Lending (ISAL) Groups. Through this programme, WFP strengthens its approach to gender-sensitive programming, particularly for cash-based interventions in urban areas.

  • The Fill the Nutrient Gap (FNG) analysis is being expanded with the modelling of nutrition intervention strategies identified in consultation with key stakeholders. It will help understand the magnitude of the nutrient gap as related to the (un)affordability of a nutritious diet and helps to estimate the effect of nutrition improvement strategies in filling this gap. The FNG analysis will inform policies and actions.