In Numbers
38 mt of food assistance distributed USD 0.7 m cash-based transfers made
USD 52.2 m next six months (June – November 2022) net funding requirements
65,286 people assisted in April 2022
Operational Updates
In April, the Urban Social Assistance and Resilience Building programme provided cash-based transfers to 48,760 people to meet their immediate food needs. Cash support to this vulnerable population is however facing funding constraints which will result in a further scale-down of activities starting in July 2022. Urban resilience activities are currently ongoing in 23 domains.
In its last month of implementation, WFP assisted 3,238 pregnant women in maternity waiting homes (MWH), through a partnership with the Ministry of Health and Child Care. Pregnant women were supported with a daily ration of cereal, pulses, fortified oil, and Super Cereal during their two weeks stay at the clinics prior to childbirth.
WFP started piloting the use of a remittance-based company in the provision of cash-based transfers at the Tongogara Refugee Camp. 13,288 refugees were supported. Long-term refugees received cash transfers, while those newly arrived received in-kind food and children below 2 years, chronically ill people, and pregnant and lactating women were provided with supplementary rations to enhance their nutrition.
Food assistance for assets (FFA) activities, which were scheduled to start in May, will commence in June due to delayed availability of funding. Activities will reach five districts instead of the planned 12 districts, as a result of limited resources.
A UN-to-UN agreement was signed between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and WFP to facilitate farmers’ access to climate services using a Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) approach, which combines historical climate data and forecasts with farmers’ knowledge of what works in their context. It uses participatory planning methods to help them make informed decisions about their agricultural practices. WFP is in the process of partnering with the University of Reading in the United Kingdom (the developer of the PICSA approach), as a technical service provider for this activity.