UNICEF and partners have provided lifesaving treatment for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) to 250 children aged 0-59 months and 5,088 children aged 6-59 months during the period January to June 2017.
A total of 54,252 caregivers have been reached with key messages on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)
219,859 children 6-59 months have been provided with Vitamin A Supplementation (VAS).
A total of 312,777 people in drought and flood affected areas were reached with WASH services in the first half of the year to contribute to the reduction of the risk of morbidity and mortality from diarrheal diseases.
A total of US $3.7 million dollars was received by UNICEF during the period January to June 2017. This amount includes generous contributions from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through USAID, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), the Government of Japan and the Government of Korea to support drought and flood response interventions in the WASH, Education, Child Protection and HIV/AIDs sectors.
312,777 People reached with Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services since the beginning of the year (WASH Sector reports-2017)
5,338 Children aged 0-59 months with SAM from 20 drought-affected districts admitted and treated in the IMAM program as of 31st May 2017 (DHIS, June 2017)
2,415 Cumulative typhoid cases comprising 2,336 suspected, 79 laboratory confirmed and 6 reported deaths (MOHCC, June 2017)
UNICEF Zimbabwe 2017 Humanitarian Requirements US $13.5 million
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs
There is improvement in national Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) prevalence due to the overall good harvest, and the gains achieved from the implementation of multi-sectoral drought response interventions by the Government, UN- Agencies, NGO Partners and the Private sector. The national Zimbabwe Vulnerability Committee (ZimVAC) rapid assessment conducted in January 2017 demonstrated a reduction in GAM prevalence from 5.7 per cent reported in January 2016, to 3.1 percent reported in January 2017.
Zimbabwe experienced localized and widespread flooding caused by torrential rains during the period December 2016 to March 2017 prompting the Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) to declare a state of flooding disaster in March 2017. As of April 2017, the flooding situation had affected 36 districts in the country. Approximately 160,000 people were affected with 126 reported deaths and 128 people injured. The deaths and injuries were caused by lightning strikes, drowning and landslides. Approximately 2,000 people were internally displaced; 859 of whom were sheltered in a temporary camp in Tsholotsho district, Matabeleland North Province. The displaced families have since been resettled in three locations in Tsholotsho district. The heavy rains also resulted in extensive damage to infrastructure which includes roads, schools and health institutions.
From January 2017 to date, a total of 2,415 suspected typhoid cases with six typhoid related deaths were reported (CFR 0.27 per cent) out of which 79 were laboratory confirmed. In June 2017, 29 typhoid cases were reported during week 22 and 23 and since that time no cases have been reported as shown in figure 2 below. A total of six suspected cholera cases were also reported, of which one was confirmed positive. A total of 3 cholera related deaths were also reported during the same period (CFR 50 per cent). Due to enhanced risk reduction measures, no suspected cholera cases have been reported since March 2017.