On 24 July 2009, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) held a Seminar for stakeholders to present Working Papers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 under its "Comprehensive Economic Recovery in Zimbabwe" Working Paper Series, prepared by a team of eminent Zimbabwean economists under the overall technical supervision and coordination of UNDP.
The titles of the Working Papers are as follows:
Working Paper 1: "The Mining Sector in Zimbabwe and its Potential Contribution to Recovery" (authored by Prof. Tony Hawkins)
Working Paper 2: "International Aid and its Management: Some Insights for Zimbabwe in the Context of Re-engagement" (authored by Dr. Dale Doré and Dr. Mark Simpson)
Working Paper 3: "Labour Markets and the Rebuilding Of Human Capital" (authored by Dr. Godfrey Kanyenze)
Working Paper 4: "The Recovery and Transformation of Zimbabwe's Communal Areas" (authored by Dr. Dale Doré)
Working Paper 5: "Recovery of the Financial Sector and Building Financial Inclusiveness" (authored by Prof. Daniel Makina)
Working Paper 6: "Foreign Trade, Competitiveness and Balance of Payments" (authored by Dr. Daniel Ndlela and Prof. Tony Hawkins)
These Papers are the first six of a series of thirteen, building on existing analytical work contained in the "Comprehensive Economic Recovery in Zimbabwe - A Discussion Document", which was commissioned by the UNDP Country Office in 2008. The Working Paper Series is updating the analysis contained therein based on new data and exploring new areas and sectors.
The ultimate aim of both, the Discussion Document and the Working Paper Series is to provide UNDP and other interested parties with a sound understanding of the nature, depth and scope of Zimbabwe's economic challenges, as well as insights into the characteristics of a recovery process. Clear policy recommendations for the recovery of a particular sector are spelled out in each of the Working Papers, with pro-poor considerations and poverty reduction being at the core of the analysis.
Dr. Agostinho Zacarias, UNDP Resident Representative, emphasised in his opening remarks the timeliness of the publications and pointed out that the Papers are envisaged to provide an input into the national policy dialogue for Zimbabwe's recovery:"The Working papers are coming out at a time when Zimbabwe is embarking on Medium-term Planning, and we are confident that they contribute to the ongoing national debates around alternative recovery options for Zimbabwe."
Participants of the Seminar, which included Government Ministries, donor agencies and Embassies, Non-state actors, Civil Society Organisations and members of the United Nations Country Team, expressed their appreciation for the analytical work that UNDP has embarked upon and debated how best these policy recommendations can be translated into actual Government policies. The research project is funded through UNDP's own resources and a contribution from the Embassy of Norway in Harare.
Electronic copies of the Working Papers and the Discussion Document can be downloaded from the links provided. For the presentations given by the researchers during the Seminar please click here.