Harare, 29 June 2005 - Mrs. Anna
Tibaijuka, the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy evaluating the humanitarian
aspects of the recent evictions of some 200,000 poor people in Zimbabwe,
on Wednesday met President Robert Mugabe and got the green light to go
wherever she liked, a UN spokesman said.
Mrs. Tibaijuka, the Executive Director
of UN-HABITAT, had already visited a number of eviction sites around the
capital Harare as well as government-sponsored relocation areas. She had
also spoken to some of those affected by the evictions, the spokesman,
Stephane Dujarric, said.
"She will continue these visits
in the coming days and will also meet with a wide array of civil society
representatives," he said, adding that she would be the Secretary-General's
eyes and ears on the ground and report on what exactly was happening.
On Monday, 10 UN Special Rapporteurs
on human freedoms and rights expressed concern on about the forced evictions
and related human rights violations in Zimbabwe and raised questions about
the effects on supplies of water and food, education and health care, including
HIV/AIDS treatment.