The Strategy is anchored on the Migration Governance Framework (MiGOF), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular migration (GCM), IOM’s Global Strategic Vision and the IOM Regional Strategy for Southern Africa.
The IOM Zimbabwe Strategy 2021–2024, is guided by national priorities as enunciated in the Zimbabwe National Development Strategy, and the Zimbabwe United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frame- work (UNSDCF) 2022-2026. Interventions include:
• Technical assistance to the GoZ on managing internal migration, immigration, and border management • Cross-border migration management • Migration and health • Assistance to returned Migrants and internally displaced persons (IDPs) • Migration data • Refugee resettlement programmes • Repatriation of stranded Migrants • Migration and development • Migration, environment, and climate change • Reintegration and community stabilization • Ongoing support for the over 310,000 Migrants who have returned to the Zimbabwe since the on- set of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The implementation of IOM Zimbabwe’s strategy will be anchored on long-term funding. IOM’s resource mobilization strategy will be anchored on intensifying efforts to raise the required resources to support im- plementation of this strategic plan. IOM will continue to provide support to Migrants and Government in addressing migration and mobility related challenges, while maximizing the development potential of migration.
I wish to express my profound gratitude to the Government of Zimbabwe, donors and development partners who continue to support our work in Zimbabwe.
Mario Lito Malanca IOM Chief of Mission Harare, Zimbabwe