Key Highlights
- During the reported period, a total of 30,709 movements. Of these, 55% were males and 45% were females. There were 449 pregnant women, 240 unaccompanied children, and 31 persons with a disability.
- The primary reasons for movement included family reunification (24%), returning to existing employment (18%), looking for livelihood opportunities (16%), and traveling for commercial activities (14%)1. Additionally, 66% of the migrants had identification documents.
- There was a 16% decrease in movements compared to the previous period1. The report also noted 122 persons with chronic illnesses. Among the incoming migrants, 28% were headed to Harare, while 52% of outgoing migrants had departed from Matabeleland South.
- South Africa was identified as the ultimate destination for 90% of migrants leaving Zimbabwe2. Among those traveling to South Africa, 56% were male migrants. Of the 641 migrants interviewed, 42% were aged between 26 to 35 years and 37% were between 36 to 45 years.
- For migrants traveling from Zimbabwe to Zambia, 61% were female migrants and 39% were male migrants. 32% of these migrants were aged between 36 and 45 years.
- The report also highlighted the intended length of stay for migrants traveling to South Africa: 27% planned to stay for 6 to 12 months, while 18% indicated a stay of 2 weeks to 3 months. For those traveling from South Africa to Zimbabwe, 34% planned to stay for 2 weeks to 3 months, and 28% for less than 2 weeks. 74% of migrants traveling to Zambia planned to stay for less than 2 weeks.
- Regarding identification documents, 66% of the interviewed migrants had some form of identification, with 53% being female migrants. 46% of those with documentation were aged between 36 and 45 years, while 35% were between 26 and 35 years. 410 migrants did not have any identification documents, with 52% being male migrants.
- With regards to visa types. 76 migrants held visitor's visas, and 27 were Zimbabwe Exemption permit holders. 93% of the migrants with visitor visas indicated South Africa as their current country of residence.
- In terms of socio-economic profiles, 64% of the migrants residing in Zimbabwe highlighted income-generating activities as their main source of income. 31% indicated their main source of income as salaried employees, with 52% being female migrants.
- Reasons for movement. 32% of migrants traveling to South Africa were returning to their employment places, while 26% were looking for livelihood opportunities5. For those traveling to Zambia, 41% were traveling to conduct commercial activities, and 32% were traveling to access services.
- Vulnerabilities Observed. 51% of the observed pregnant migrants were outflows, with 66% traveling to South Africa. 72% of the unaccompanied minors were incoming migrants, with 63% coming from South Africa.
- Shocks and vulnerabilities faced by migrants. The most reported shocks included family health issues (26%), death of a close family member (24%), and drought (21%). Most Zimbabwean migrants affected by drought resided in Mwenezi district (23%), Masvingo district (8%) and Chiredzi district (6%)