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Zimbabwe + 5 more

Flow Monitoring Report IOM Zimbabwe | July 2022



During the month of July 2022, a total of 44, 380 movements were observed and 2.537 migrants were interviewed across 44 Flow Monitoring Points in Zimbabwe. This represented a 13 per cent drop in total movements comparing to the previous month The major drop of flows was witnessed Jong the Zimbabwe-Zambia corridor on which a drop of 27 per cent on incoming flows was witnessed during the month There was also drop along the Zimbabwe — South Africa corridor through with 18 per cent drop on inflows and a 12 per cent drop on outflow movements. Despite a significant drop of movements, the Zimbabwe — South Africa corridor hosted the largest number of movements with 35,308 (80%) followed by the Zimbabwe — Zambia corridor with 3,916 movements reported (10%). Fifty-seven per cent of the total movements observed were inflows whilst 43 per cent were outflows. Of the inflows, 24 per cent reported Harare as their destination district followed by Beitbridge (18%) and Bulawayo (6%). During the reporting period, 30 per cent of outgoing migrants had departed Beitbridge district whilst 13 per cent had departed Masvingo and 11 per cent Harare The majority of outflows were through irregular crossing points whilst inflows were mostly through formal crossing points Out of the total migrants observed, 58 per cent were males whilst 42 per cent were females. Seventy per cent of these migrants were between the ages of 20 and 49 with the majority (33%) travelling to conduct short term local economic activities.