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Emergency Response Fund (ERF) Zimbabwe Update, April 2011


ERF News

The Emergency Response Fund (ERF) hosted a donor round table on 24 March 2011 as part of efforts to replenish the Fund. Speakers at the function included the Norwegian Ambassador, Christian Care representing National NGOs, Help Germany representing International NGOs who have received ERF funding in the past and the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator. The ERF is seeking $6.5million in 2011 to meet unplanned emergency interventions and is a part of CAP 2011 appeal.

In her speech, the Norwegian Ambassador’s emphasised that the current decline in financial contributions to the ERF comes against a delicate humanitarian situation in the country. Zimbabwe’s national preparedness and response capacity still remains weak. She endorsed the need to see additional donors, and invited the countries present to participate to this much needed fund.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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