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Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union concerning the recent events in Zimbabwe

P 079/05

Brussels, 26 July 2005 - The European Union welcomes the report of the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy, Anna Tibaijuka, on the Government of Zimbabwe's Operation Restore Order.

The European Union notes the Special Envoy's findings that Operation Restore Order was indiscriminate and unjustified; conducted with indifference to human suffering; illegal under domestic and international law; and has caused a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented proportions. In this respect, the EU encourages the international community to provide unconditional humanitarian assistance to the population in need.

The European Union joins the Special Envoy in calling on the Government of Zimbabwe to halt immediately all further demolitions; facilitate unrestricted access for international humanitarian assistance; and to bring those directly responsible to justice.

The European Union also joins the Special Envoy in calling the Government of Zimbabwe to undertake corrective policy reforms in macro-economic management and governance issues. The European Union shares the view of the Special Envoy that the Government of Zimbabwe should promote real internal dialogue with the Zimbabwean civil society and with the international community.

The European Union calls upon the African Union and the Southern African Development Community to raise the human rights situation with the Government of Zimbabwe and urge it to address the profoundly distressing effects of the Operation Restore Order.

The European Union recalls that Zimbabwe's compliance with its benchmarks would constitute positive steps leading towards the normalisation of relations. The European Union also recalls the Conclusions of the 18 July General Affairs and External Relations Council, which underlined the European Union's profound concern and reaffirmed that the European Union will keep its policy towards Zimbabwe under constant review, including on restrictive measures.