This bulletin provides a weekly overview of the outbreaks occurring in Zimbabwe. It includes disaggregated data to inform and improve the continuing public health response by the various partners. It also provides guidance to agencies on issues relating to data collection, analysis and interpretation, and suggests operational strategies on the basis of epidemiological patterns so far. The bulletin is published weekly. Note that the epidemiological week runs from Monday to Sunday. This edition covers week 1 (week ending 10 January 2010).
The C4 team welcomes feedback. Data provided by individual agencies is welcome but will be verified with MOHCW structures before publication.
Please send any comments and feedback to the Cholera Control and Command Centre
Toll free number for alert by district and province is 08089001 or 08089002 or 08 089000
Mobile number for alerts is 0912 104 257
We are very grateful to MoHCW District Medical Officers, District and Provincial Surveillance Officers, Provincial Medical Directors, Environmental Heath Officers, and MoHCW's National Health Information Unit, who have helped to gather and share the bulk of the information presented here.
Likewise, we acknowledge agencies, including members of the Health and WASH clusters, who have kindly shared their data with our team.
MoHCW recognizes and thanks the efforts made by NGOs and other partners assisting in the response and providing support to MoHCW.
- Rumour of Cholera cases in Kadoma Rural
- No new reported cases of Pandemic H1N1(2009) Influenza Cases
- New Measles cases reported