ADRA Zimbabwe Launched a food security project on the 5th of October, 2012 in Binga and Bulilima Districts. The project at improving agricultural production, food and nutri-tion and income security for 5000 vulnerable and emerging smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. This is being achieved through the distribution of agricultural input (both crop and livestock) and output market, capacity building for the farmers and extension support.
This project is funded by Australia Aid, UKAID and Department for International Department (DFID) through Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to the tune of $915,000 including commodities. ADRA Inter-national is also co-financing some elements of the project to the total of $5500. From the 29th January to the 6th of Feb-ruary 2013 livestock fairs have been held in Binga and Bu-lilima to enable farmers to buy livestock as a way of restock-ing as most of the livestock had died from the drought or were sold to purchase food and pay school fees. Livestock is also preferred in this semi-arid part of the country as it mitigates impacts of crop failure on vulnerable households.
Beneficiaries contributed US$32 and the pro-gram provided US$128 to the farmers in form of vouchers for agricultural input and livestock.
In Bulilima District farmers put their vouchers together to purchase bigger livestock like donkeys and cattle. The farmers have signed agreements on how they will use and share the livestock that was purchased by groups.