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Zambia Markets and Prices Bulletin, November 2024



During the 2023/24 rainfall season, Zambia experienced its worst drought in decades, affecting 84 of 116 districts. Driven by El Niño, the drought threatens national food security, water, and energy supplies. Food production, prices and market functionality have been affected.

In response, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU), with support from the UK Government, established a remote market monitoring system in June, using trained call center operators to regularly assess food prices and market functionality in affected districts. The Annex includes a map of the monitored markets and the background and methodology.

This information is essential for designing, implementing, and monitoring emergency response and social assistance programs, including transfer modalities like cash-based transfers, in-kind food, and vouchers. Monitoring market functionality helps assess market resilience, availability, accessibility, and affordability of essential goods, which are crucial for household food security and economic well-being.

This bulletin primarily covers the months of June to November 2024. In November, remote market monitoring covered 82 districts, 165 markets and 1,227 traders.

When available, data from March and May is included in some charts.

Content includes the prices of four essential food commodities (mealie meal breakfast, beans, cooking oil, and salt), the cost of the basic food basket, and the Market Functionality Index (MFI) at national and provincial levels, together with risks and mitigation measures. The Annex includes macroeconomic factors, the seasonal calendar and rainfall forecasts for 2024-25 for context.

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