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Zambia – Drought (DG ECHO, Food Security Cluster) (ECHO Daily Flash of 11 April 2024)

  • Zambia is experiencing unprecedented drought caused by El Niño with prolonged dry spell in February being the driest and hottest recorded since 1981. 84 out of 116 districts are affected with impact on food system sectors; water and sanitation; education and energy supply. On 29 February, the President declared a state of emergency.

  • Government crop assessment data estimates over 1 million hectares of crop land affected. Joint rapid assessments conducted in 27 of the most affected districts confirmed a dire humanitarian situation with local markets reporting critical shortages of food (only 11.4% reporting availability of maize and 31.1% maize meal).

  • 51.7% of 4,277 surveyed households reported poor Food Consumption Score. Based on the modelled Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB), 70.6% of the surveyed households was unable to meet food needs. Generalising these proportions to the 27 districts’ total population: 2.3 million were found moderately food insecure and 0.6 million severely food insecure.