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Zambia: 2019/2020 Recovery Action Plan, July 2019



The Zambia Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZVAC) carried out an In-Depth Vulnerability and Needs Assessment in eighty-six (86) selected districts of the country. The main objective of the assessment was to ascertain the impact of the mentioned hazards on various sectors and recommend appropriate interventions. The assessment sought to understand the impact of hazard events that included dry spells, floods and to some extent pest infestation (fall army worms and stalk borers) on different sectors.

The Government of the Republic of Zambia has therefore provided a general framework (Response/Recovery Action Plan) within which all stakeholders will undertake all interventions related to prolonged dry spells and flooding. This is to ensure a speedy and coordinated response. The plan defines the scale of the problem and the rationale for the implementation of recommended interventions. It brings out the general response strategy and outlines sector-based interventions in short and medium to long-term perspectives. It also spells out the implementation, reporting, monitoring and coordination arrangements.

The required sector specific interventions and costing are discussed, focusing on Agriculture and Food security, Health, Nutrition and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and infrastructure. It should be noted that the Recovery Action Plan for Infrastructure Sector is in a separate document. It is important to note that recommended interventions reflect sector needs in short, medium and long-term perspectives. The financial requirements show the resources required, available resources and the resource gap per sector.