In Numbers
US$ 120,617 in cash transferred to beneficiaries in September 2024
US$ 31.7 million six-month net funding requirements (October 2024 – March 2025)
28,546 people assisted in September 2024
Operational Updates
WFP assisted 28,546 people through various interventions in September. Of these, 18,245 individuals received crisis response support via cash-based transfers, while 859 people benefited from nutrition improvement interventions. Additionally, 9,386 individuals were supported through smallholder farmer support and resilience-building interventions, and 56 people participated in capacitystrengthening training.
Crisis response/refugees
Food assistance for refugees: WFP continues to provide cash-based transfers to refugees and asylum seekers at the Mantapala refugee settlement. In September WFP assisted 8,866 refugees (51 percent female).
Strengthened livelihoods and building self-Reliance (SLABS) of refugees in Mantapala: In collaboration with Action Africa Help, WFP provided 10 drip irrigation kits and irrigated agricultural land at selected water sources for 50 beneficiaries as part of its livelihood projects. The initiative aims to promote healthier nutrition among refugee households by ensuring year-round vegetable production..
Crisis response/drought
To respond to the El Niño-induced drought, WFP is providing food assistance (in-kind food and cash-based transfers) to 1.2 million people in 23 of the worst-affected, hard-to-reach districts. WFP is also supporting the Government with logistics, humanitarian response, and coordination, while conducting early recovery interventions. WFP has completed targeting for early drought recovery assistance for 60,000 farmers in the Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western provinces.
Food and cash assistance: As part of USAID-BHA support for the drought response, WFP has procured 6,376 mt of maize from Tanzania. On 29 September, 50 trucks carrying 2,013 mt of maize from Tanzania arrived in Lusaka for distribution in the Southern and Western provinces. WFP also conducted a community sensitization exercise in Sioma District, Western Province, in preparation for cash-based transfers and then disbursed cash-based transfers to 9,379 people to mitigate the effects of drought in the district.