In Numbers
US$ 63,942 cash-based transfers made
US$ 59 million six-month (July – December 2024) net funding requirements
19,704 people assisted in June 2024
Operational Updates
WFP assisted 19,596 people, including 8,717 individuals through crisis response cash assistance, 1,824 people through nutrition improvement interventions, 9,055 individuals through smallholder support and resilience interventions and 108 through social protection interventions.
Crisis Response
WFP continued to provide cash-based assistance to the refugees and asylum seekers at the Mantapala Refugee Settlement. In June, the total population of refugees assisted was 8,717 (4,296 male and 4,421 female).
Strengthened Livelihoods and Building Self-Reliance
(SLABS) Project in Mantapala: WFP distributed 4,800 PICS bags to 1,200 livelihood beneficiaries, from Mantapala settlement and the host community. The PICS bags will be used to store the harvested products including maize, groundnuts, and beans for increased shelf life without the use of pesticides. In addition, WFP in collaboration with AHH continues to support the community seed bank in Mantapala where livelihood beneficiaries (refugees and host community) are depositing beans and groundnuts to be preserved for planting in the next farming season.
Drought Response: WFP is providing logistical support for the transportation of the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) maize to hard-to-reach drought-affected districts. Phase I which targeted 4,623 mt is being finalised with 99% (4561 mt) delivered to date. In addition, phase II targeting 7,500 mt is expected to begin in July. WFP completed targeting for its direct support in 8 districts of targeted 23 with distributions planned to start in July.